This is taken from another post on the forum, with the filler removed. Seems to fit better here.
Resolution Needs fixing.
+ 1000 for basic resolution support. There should be a common sense resolution solution for DM by default. This is basic, basic stuff that any game development suite should have--it shouldn't be something that developers have to continually build work-around custom solutions to include.
Programming Aides
People nowadays do not like to read and calling them lazy when there are less time consuming and more interesting learning aids is actually what's lazy. The internet is a visual tool-- so consider video tutorials or something along those lines. People will be more receptive to them, which in turn will cause an increase in activity and game development.
Community Improvement
There's a very small group of people inadvertently strangling the livelihood of the site by being biased against anything anime related, which is directly at odds with the very thing keeping you alive at the moment.
Fact is you have a certain demographic of people this website caters to. Anime games which are being so vehemently attacked are essentially the only thing keeping a steady stream of people coming here. None of the "elite" devs are sticking around, opting to move on.
The problem is....
I've never , to date, seen any of the "leaders" of this community denounce this behavior publicly.
An exclusive community isn't working. No games are being developed that have seen the light of day or made any sort of impact to the community.
You exclude people who might stick around otherwise when they see your behavior. If you look at places like Unity and Steam, they don't have anything close to the level of toxicity this community allows for.
Ironically this is one of the simplest things to fix. Build accountability into your website so that people will think twice about being idiots. This basically means allowing others to see what crappy actions, comments and such they've said, or perhaps some kind of karma system as well.
I can't tell you how many people I've met or introduced into this community who then turn right back around and leave--and these aren't kids. These are serious game devs who see the potential, but leave because frankly its often not worth it on their part when there are better options for making games with less hassle (development and community wise). In short, shooting yourselves in the foot so to speak.
Improving Your Cash Flow
Including hosting services with memberships would vastly improve the willingness of people to buy memberships, which in turn gives you revenue.
If a member could host at least 1 game of their choosing in conjunction with your membership without the need to pay for hosting, you'd see a huge increase in activity on the website since hosting is a major deterrent towards building an active website. This would also solve the problem of membership being worth more.
You could also then tie in maybe the ability to host more than 1 game on a key by offering different levels of memberships. For instance, year long memberships include the ability to host up to 3 games. (Just to be clear, I'm not saying restrict the ability to host games to members only, though that would increase membership sales as well.)
I'm aware that this would require a lot of time and effort, so I understand if it's not feasible or even an option--but this is a bit of forward thinking on my part.
This has also been done to great effect on other websites similiar to BYOND like RoBlox. (Yes these games look like shit, but devs are easily making thousands of dollars a month making them so...--results matter most)
Less Control--allow BYond to Grow or it WILL die.
I really feel that, as a whole, there is this mindset that the community has to be "controlled" and because of that, you are inherently limiting yourself.
You either have a influx of people or you don't-- but I think right now the reason you don't is because there are a lot of notions about exercising control over your current system that really keeps byond from growing into BYOND.
One huge example of it is the missing ability to create an EXE file for your games.
If promotion and community involvement is an issue, making an EXE option built into Dream Maker would be the perfect way to remedy that problem.
Put a splash screen on all the games the EXE generator option uses, and that's that--bam as your games spread across the net, for better or worse, you gain promotion and people might visit. Those people might in turn contribute, as long as they aren't met with ignorance and malice.
You could also tie THAT into the membership, disabling the EXE option unless the user has a paid membership.
![]() Mar 11 2017, 10:39 am (Edited on Mar 11 2017, 1:40 pm)
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Took me a whole day to try and figure out those 2 text files, which could have been explained better in 2 lines and an example demo with it, and have it all figured out in less then 5 min.
Resolution Needs fixing. This needs more details. I'm not even sure what this is about, what issue there is, what byond is lacking, etc. Finally, degrading the graphics when the pager is turned off --weird to say the least. This is most likely part bug. I haven't noticed anything to this effect in my testing. I frequency test code locally with the pager turned off because i forgot to start it, and haven't noticed this. |
Try placing a screen object, with text attached to it on your screen and try it with pager running as well as not.
That's the easiest way I've noticed it. Edit: nevermind, seems to have been fixed. (just updated to the latest vers of DM a few days ago) I'll fix the post accordingly. |
One huge example of it is the missing ability to create an EXE file for your games. There is a very good reason for this. |
ErikHanson wrote:
One huge example of it is the missing ability to create an EXE file for your games. Not really. Every other game engine in the world has this by default. I think any reason that could be given would just be silly. Trying to hoard it to sell to prevent people from putting their games on steam is pretty counter productive IMO. The world isn't going to be saturated by 1000x of dragonball z clones. And even if it was, it's FREE promotion, so assuming they spread like wild fire and tons of shitty games were made-- it's directly sent back to this community that there is something called BYOND that can be made to create games, and therefore new potentials are gained. Unity has this, Game Maker has this, RPG Maker has this, and frankly all of those systems grew exponentially because of it. RPG Maker games are seen as "generic" , partially because of nubs who throw together something with little effort. DM doesn't have that problem since you actually need to do a little work to set up a game. Secondly, it's pretty easy to make an EXE yourself using some files. I did it myself a few months back. From what I understand, money is being made from the EXE feature, which is why I suggested bundling it into the membership. So I'm well aware it's some sort of "hush hush" secret that it's being passed around among the core group of people deemed "legitimate" enough to have it--but that falls directly in line with the rest of the post and community exclusion. Selling an EXE maker for 100 a pop to say 20 people is 2,000$. Bundling the EXE into the DM amongst 100 people at 10$ a person per month is 10,000$. It's a no-brainer. Bundling it adds worth to it, thereby making it more attractive AND limiting the spread of use, since the bundle option would only be available to people who have purchased the membership. Effectively killing two birds with one stone as it were. Actually 4- Free Promo Increased Funds Potentially More Developers Which potentially revitalizes the community and brings you back to Free Promo > Increased Funds. |
In short what I'm saying is, asking people to donate out of the goodness of their hearts is great.
But giving them incentives to do so is also much needed. These ideas are just a few ways to do so, successful ways that many engines already run with and have made profit from so I'm not really pitching anything new or innovative here. Time tested, it's what works. |
Lummox doesn't want fixed price, He wants royalty fees % for every sale you make with your game, basically any money you make a % of everything is given to the engine owner. Impossible to do with fangames.
Nadrew wrote:
If the standalone games displayed an ad like the non-standalones, sure. That doesn't really hold up as a valid reason either. Since if I wanted to share my work outside of byond, all I'd normally do is share the zip file. Ad rev is applied to people that don't have memberships and play games via the pager. In the long run promotion brings more people and since not everyone will buy a membership but will atleast attempt to play a game-- then you are in fact getting more ad revenue. Promo > More People. Edited : |
Nadrew wrote:
If the standalone games displayed an ad like the non-standalones, sure. Oh my god its almost like you don't want people using the engine. Yall only have like 3 actual games earning this site any money. Aside from whatever membership is being put in which does nothing for said members, why not make people pay to host games. It'll still make byond freeware so that code about "and it'll stay like this forever" or whatever doesn't go to dust. Also for christ sake let people PAY TO REMOVE ADS from the webclient. I've been asking for this for months yall just hate the idea of making money. You'll make more from setting up some type of plan there than relying on people to watch/click ads. Wow. |
The term "anime-related" is a troubling one. It's a cover term for "fangame".
Let's define anime to mean a style of animation popularized by Japanese cartoonists. Let's define fangame to mean a game made by a non-license holder of the intellectual property it is based on. There's nothing ethically wrong with making a fangame. Attempting to profit from a fangame though, is shady territory. There's no debate here. There's no bias. Just a combination of fact and commonly accepted standards of decency that you and the rest of the fangame community disregard. What's been said on this topic has been said hundreds upon hundreds of times. Reasoning has been done and this argument has been found wanting. There is no bias. Just over a decade of evidence for why the fangame community is filled with scumbags based solely on their own words and actions. |
Ishuri wrote:
Yall only have like 3 actual games earning this site any money. Aside from whatever membership is being put in which does nothing for said members, why not make people pay to host games. It'll still make byond freeware so that code about "and it'll stay like this forever" or whatever doesn't go to dust. Also for christ sake let people I'm just talking of the quickest ways to make it possible, stuff that wouldn't require big changes internally like the things like allowing developers to disable ads and things of that nature for their players, which I've been pushing for for a very long time. The existing standalone setup is more of a compromise in spending a ton of dev time devising a way to let everyone (or published stuff at least) use it and just having no option for it at all (which we didn't have for a long time, nobody counts the old "Make EXE" thing as a standalone). It's still more of a beta feature that hasn't been fully fleshed out and keeping it restricted was the only way to make it available to people without spending more time working on it while keeping whatever revenue was coming in from ads in play reliably. There's just been more focus elsewhere and I do agree that it would be nice if it was revisited sooner rather than later because I make use of the standalone myself for one project and would like to extend it to others without a hassle. Lummox has his priorities and we just have to respect that his are going to differ from what we think they should be at times and offer ways of making due with little or no big timesink changes needed. Using Membership to get around ads is one of the few actual worthwhile things remaining for Membership outside of supporting BYOND. Ads suck, nobody wants ads, but they have a purpose and working with that is what we can do until better options are possible. Lummox has mentioned his desire to improve the entire system, at some point. This is BYOND, patience is something you need 'round these parts. |
If I could change anything immediate about BYOND, I would like less intrusive ads. I would be more than happy to pay a monthly fee to remove them from my project(s) for users (to compensate revenue loss)
Right, I'm not a fan of the ads either, but they're usually a pain in the butt, that's why people notice them. The fee thing has been planned for a long time (I was one of the early people to jump behind that idea) but requires some internal changes on both the software and web end to the degree that it just hasn't been looked at deeply by Lummox. Would be nice, oh yeah, for sure.
honestly byond to me has 2 things that make it good to me 1.instant non coding needed multiplayer and hosting. and 2. built in coding/mapping/iconing without the need to open external programs to code or icon etc. aside from that i would rather use unity which i most likely will once the tile mapping and more 2d sprite features and support come thru.
Avidanimefan wrote:
One huge example of it is the missing ability to create an EXE file for your games. +1 Nadrew wrote: Using Membership to get around ads is one of the few actual worthwhile things remaining for Membership outside of supporting BYOND. People just use adblock on internet explorer to skip the ads on Dream Seeker... |
Tony WK wrote:
If I could change anything immediate about BYOND, I would like less intrusive ads. I would be more than happy to pay a monthly fee to remove them from my project(s) for users (to compensate revenue loss) It's high on the priority list. |
You know what the worst thing on BYOND is? THE ADS BEFORE JOINING A GAME. That's pushing more new people away than anything. Lummox even said ads basically make no money compared to BYOND memberships, so why have them? The annoyance factor for players is too high. Remove ads = More new player retention = More byond membership purchases = No more annoying the player (annoying the player is a cadinal sin of gaming)
If anything an easier way to build an EXE using a config file and the .dmb and .rsc file would be FUCKING AMAZING. instead of having to read 2 text files and still have no clue what the first step even is. :(