![]() Jan 5 2017, 2:47 pm
Competition is getting fierce!
Kumorii wrote:
Competition is getting fierce! Hahah it's not really fair your game seems fully(or almost?) developped and mine is my first ever real project and has only some base features :P |
We still have at least a year of development left but it's far from done. Your game looks great so far though! Given enough time, you could easily build this project into something awesome. Just because it's your first doesn't mean it has no potential. (^8
Kumorii wrote:
We still have at least a year of development left but it's far from done. Your game looks great so far though! Given enough time, you could easily build this project into something awesome. Just because it's your first didn't mean it has no potential. (^8 Thanks man, your game looks great as well! |
Kumorii wrote:
Sick! |
Nothing big here. Just some animation stuff for perfect blocking and attacks. Better looking 'slash'. Now, I just need to better position the sword during the south 'preattack' state.
![]() |
Bl4ck Adam wrote:
Nothing big here. Just some animation stuff for perfect blocking and attacks. Better looking 'slash'. Now, I just need to better position the sword during the south 'preattack' state. Looks amazing! I've been thinking about adding charging for my attacks in-game but not sure whats the best way to do it. Are you using a pre-made icon state just for charging? Or is it the first frame from Slashing for example that is used for charging? |
Kidpaddle45 wrote:
Bl4ck Adam wrote: It's the preslash frame (as the actual slash is done via animate). I make a BLEND_ADD afterimage layered above the sword and set it's px/py to rand(-1,1): Same with the shield. |
Yut Put wrote:
black adam is just a genius technical artist That's about all I can really do LOL. I always show something flashy, then the project gets locked into the cellar never to resurface. |
Those sure are pretty charts.
I love that you're collecting hard data on your characters and using that for balance, Yut. I wish more games would do that! Looks like your rogue still needs help, though. Although maybe that's a character that benefits more from intelligent control. |
His graph shows which characters are easiest to win with when there's no strategy involved. Similar to how Katarina or Master Yi are generally easy to play in League of Legends but mainly in Bronze and Silver. Fugs has an extremely powerful attack ( nicknamed "Falcon Punch" for obvious reasons ) that's great for sending opponents flying to their deaths, however the only players you can consistently land this ability on are players who are playing like nincompoops, like his AI for example. His AI has no clear strategy - they basically just run at each other mindlessly spamming attacks and if you get into a "mindlessly spam attacks at close range" contest with Fugs, you're gonna have a hard time.
I have a theory that Mage is sleeper OP ( top tier, but underplayed ). I would put the theory to the test but Yut refuses to make the keyboard controls make sense and I'm still getting mindfucked trying to adapt to it. I've been playing PC fighting games since 2005. Little Fighter, Rumble Fighter, Lost Saga, MUGEN, Zone 4, DFO. Rumble Fighter Controls https://wizzley.com/static/uploads/en/module/image/2015/06/ 04/2015-06-04_01-37-25_875.622x621.png Lost Saga Controls http://lostsaga.z8games.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/ keyboard.png Mugen Controls https://i.ytimg.com/vi/M66oalYbWrM/hqdefault.jpg Zone4 Controls http://zone4.playpark.com/en/wp-content/themes/zonefour/ images/img_controls.png DFO Controls http://www.dfoneople.com/gameinfo/guide/Beginner's-Guide/ Game-Controls I'll even throw in Maplestory even though it's not a fighting game, but still had a similar control setup. http://media.playpark.net/MapleStory/uploadimages/ ms_ctr_img02.gif Noticing a trend here? All of these games use arrow keys for movement, and make heavy use of the asd,zxc,qwe keys for other actions such as attacking, jumping, skills, etc. This is done so you can comfortably have one hand on the far left side of the keyboard and your other hand on the far right. But what does Yut Butt do when he makes a fighting game? "use wasd to move, uiopk to attack and if you don't like those shit controls, buy a gamepad noob" Bar Fight for the Holy Grail is the only fighting game in existence with these keyboard controls. Even after I manufactured 8 fresh hot Fugs memes, he refuses to accommodate my control preferences. Feelsbadman. |
You know what Empirez... I don't think I like your attitude. I'm going to doxx you and start a "let's ban 'GaylordezTeam'" witch hunt.
Yut Put wrote:
i'll have control options in before the tournament tomorrow lmao ![]() |