ok, lets try this. in both of those same two procs, replace:
> client << browse({"
> <script>
> window.location.href="?asset_cache_confirm_arrival=[job]"
> </script>
> "}, "window=asset_cache_browser")
> client << browse({"
> <script>
> setTimeout("window.location.href='?asset_cache_confirm_arrival=[job]';", 100);
> </script>
> "}, "window=asset_cache_browser")
Took a long while to load and I got the Great Wall of Red Text again. Still freezing, but I think the clock is a bit more responsive every few times the freezes cease for just a half second. http://puu.sh/sNEhO/b930b75802.png
I'll test your gits and shiggles one in a bit.
MrStonedOne wrote:
and for shits and giggles, you can also try replacing them with:
> client << browse({"
> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url="?asset_cache_confirm_arrival=[job]" />
> "}, "window=asset_cache_browser")
Same story, freeze, red wall of text. Just as I tested this, my other server, the one I tested the other code on, got its tish together and counted down to the start of the round normally, but it took 9 minutes or so, as usual...
When I reset my para code, I don't get the red wall of text. I just get this: http://puu.sh/sNF2S/b13fb02c57.png
This is really ticking me off... Do you have any other solution?
and for shits and giggles, you can also try replacing them with: