parent_type = /HUD
var/face_icon = 'Face_Icon_Image.dmi'
icon = 'Face Icon Template.dmi'
layer = 9001
screen_loc = "WEST + 1:70,NORTH - 1:1"
icon = face_icon
screen_loc = "WEST + 1:70,NORTH - 1:1"
layer = 9000
//In diffrent file
var/profo=input("What do you want to change","Profile Options") in list("Background","Playby","Face Icon","Cancel")
if("Face Icon")
var/myicon = input("Choose any icon file for your face icon.","Face Icon") as icon //brings up a box where you can pick anytype of icon file
usr.face_icon = myicon //makes the variable face_icon the icon you just picked
Problem description:
dm:18:error: face_icon: invalid variable
This is the error i get when putting the icon = face_icon. I am in fact still new to the coding scene and would like to know what i am doing wrong. I am trying to call the face_icon variable that is the icon that the user chooses so it displays on the screen.
Next you're trying to use a variable you've defined for mobs under another datum, which isn't going to work the way you expect. You'll either want to stick with one or the other, leaving it as either part of the GUI settings or a mob variable, then using said variable where needed.
So since you have your /gui datum, I assume you have some kind of variable elsewhere that points to it?
So, if that's the case (it should be, otherwise you're not going to be accessing the datum very readily!), you'd access the face_icon variable under /gui like
You'd access the icon in the same way, but for setting the icon of the screen objects to a variable, that can't be done at compile-time (the compiler doesn't know the dynamic value of variables in a way that makes this possible), so you'd need to do it inside of a proc, or something like New(), which is called when the objects are created, by setting it after creating the object.
As an addition, you'll want to lower the layer on those screen objects, higher layers are reserved for special things like BACKGROUND_LAYER, stick to around 1000 as your highest layer and you should be safe.