not sure if tweaking the stats of some pokes were wise but its your game. Since i'd be unsure as to how to build the stats of that pokemon now. If it were me i'd just make op pokemon harder to catch not similar but less difficult to catch than legendaries. Hence the reason i asked about catch rates and rarity chance. Like over used pokemon in the meta game would be rarer to find that your usual common not to have everyone rocking op pokemon especially more than one in the same team.
Encounter chances such as:
-Extremely rare
-Very rare
(this could also be a chance to implement the pokedex system as to know what pokemon are in the area and the chance of catching one)
I would recommend this to have no need to tweak stats of any pokemon in particular. But if tweaking stats is something you think needs to be done its on you. I have no say.
Very nice he has my respect for this. But it will be extremely hard to put 649 pokemon on this one map, hence the reason i brought up multiple regions unless you have an idea to make it work entirely. I guess we'll see though.
Hi Terex,
I had a few idea's regarding the poke population...Obviously this map will be too small to cram in 500+ pokemon, even with daytime/nighttime spawn rotation. 2 Idea's I had was to have merchants appear in semi-hidden area's throughout the map for a few hours each weekend, where they will sell "rarer" pokemon and items...Another idea are Poke Nests. While the player walks through grass, they have a very small chance of stumbling upon a nest, where they will have to battle a pokemon, and then get to choose 1 of 3 random poke eggs. |
One word, swarms. Lots and lots of swarms, maybe 3-5 swarms of pokemon that are currently uncatchable randomized. That way it's a great means of getting people to log on daily or trading with others. Legendaries could be from events or perhaps swarms as well, just very very low chance of popping up.
To be honest I get what your trying to accomplish, i understand that it will really be hard to make like i think 4 more maps like this one provided in the game; it'll be a lot of work no matter which way you look at it, but i still do think having multiple regions to accommodate the 500+ pokemon is the best idea.
I am still open to ideas that can be used as an alternative to this like the ones you just provided King V.X. Even if you don't agree with me i'd like to recommend having some pokemon only being obtainable through tournament tokens/points won in tournaments or other events. As for legendaries i'm still thinking about the possibilities of those. Like for instance an extremely rare item that can only be dropped by a certain type of pokemon, which allows the possibility of spawning a legendary pokemon if held by the first pokemon in your party. I'm still thinking about this though. |
Well, you are correct. Multiple regions would be the ideal solution...But I haven't even completed the Bayshue region yet, this map took me months to do...It's very exhausting, and with anything that takes a great amount of effort, time is needed. As for Legendaries, we have a few idea's for them...The main focus is making sure that not everyone is running around with a full team of legendaries within' a month. You'll have to put in some time and effort, and potentially sacrifice some pokemon in order to obtain better ones. I'd like a sacrifice system, and KP has mentioned events/story in obtaining them.
On the previous catch rate/ encounter rate i mentioned to KP legendaries would be harder to catch than an extremely rare pokemon, making them have a category of their own. Along with the special item i mentioned earlier having a drop rate similar to that of an extremely rare pokemon or the legendary itself, would take someone a really long time before catching one, well to be honest i would estimate about 2-4 legendary captures in the game by the first 5 months depending on if you guys plug in the percentage the way i calculated them.
Pretty excited to see that the game is so well thought out, I've seen a fair number of other games where things just didn't work the way they were intended. Do you have a specific day set for when it finally hit's the byond launcher or is it still expected to be the first week of september?
Since it's one region, I'll share some of my thoughts with putting all 649 in the region. As stated above, you could do swarms, however, I have an idea even better.
In real life, many animals migrate south for warmer weather (Birds for example). If you have a clock implemented in-game, make the Pokemon time-based. For example, during Winter, you'll see Spheals and Snorunts, but in Summer, you see Seels and more bird Pokemon. |
That is definitely an interesting idea. In the actual games the same Pokemon are used in different area's, "Like having Pidgey spawn in route 1,2 and 5" where in this game, I was able to fit in a lot of Pokemon by placing new Pokemon in each route and secret area's. Each route/secret currently has 4-6 Pokemon for daytime AND nighttime.
It would be nice if what WWD said happened but also during different seasons or weather. having something like pidgeys being replaced Ducklett/wingulls during rain, maybe delibirds placing them in the winter/snow, etc. Also~ any plans on the game being playable soon?
I don't really have plans on doing seasonal I don't think this idea will be added anytime soon. We're still running test servers, KP is trying to kill off as many bugs as he can first/while adding content.
Another thing I want to mention is that though there are 600+ pokemon, we don't need to place evolved forms on the map, so really, less than half that amount of pokemon needs to be placed.
Are you going to make leveling difficult, a few fanmade pokemon online games do this mainly to keep progression going throughout the game and make it so when you do get to level one hundred it feels a bit more satisfying. Though the only problem is leveling gets tedious and repetitive one you've done it for several pokemon. Or are you planning on keeping the progression same as the normal games?
Not 100% sure about this yet. I don't even like lvl caps...If I had it my way, i'd take caps off, but increase exp needed x2 after lvl 100 LOL.
Well you could have stats till lv 100 like normal and add a series of prestige levels to pokemon after, they don't increase stats of course but maybe have like a little effect to the name or at a certain level of prestige you get prizes. That way progression doesn't get hampered, people still have the drive to level and get stuff from it.
Maybe each level would give a prestige point where there would be a shop you could use trade them in to get several stuff, rare cosmetics, past event items, etc. |
Things were a bit tweaked since some Pokemon's stats were too op being from different gens etc... So i had to edit things a bit to balance it out :)