![]() Sep 9 2016, 4:59 pm
In response to EmpirezTeam
If your Online can you log on the Game and tell him to stop? pls cause he doing it now .-.
https://gyazo.com/f2203fb01fa8e8864817006df1d7a800 He just said he spammed someone's Pager.
Very well then. I will call Sally.
![]() She's not old enough to drink yet but word on the street is for the right price, she'll leave anyone swimmin' wit da fishes. |
Yeah, the thing with Billy is...
![]() I just don't think he has the stamina to get the job done. His Mom has been trying desperately to get him to incorporate more vegetables into his diet but he refuses to eat anything outside of pork rinds and Skittles. During the last assignment I hired him for, he took his eyes off the target for a few seconds to eat some crumbs he discovered under his left man tit and the target got away. I can't afford these types of mishaps anymore. I'm just gonna go with Sally. My only qualm with her is that she's a Mac user but she'll come around to Windows master race eventually. Just have to give her time to mature. |
Your right , We need someone way more Skilled. I never wanted to bring him out. He will Handle this in no Time.
His Last name is Bond....James Bond. He is way more skilled then every single Agent. He can use Mac and Windows so no problemo Hopefully he picks up the Phone..If he doesn't..Guess we have to call Sally. |
He said he did, but as far as I can tell so far he didn't. Looks like all he's doing now is being a jerk in the game, and as a rule I don't get involved in those situations.
this madness must come to a end. ET ready the forces.
looks like we have trouble once again. |
Screen 1: https://s11.postimg.io/nquv439dv/image.png Screen 2: https://s22.postimg.io/qn57nukdd/image.png Goes on for a while. |
He's probably a br just ignore him. Normally I'm very not cool with shitting on an entire nationality/culture/ethnicity, but I like to make an exception in Brazil's case. Y'all BRs need to get your shit together. |
If we're gonna make a club for hating on BRs, I call dibs on Grand Wizard. You can all squabble amongst yourselves over who gets to be Grand Dragon.