Dragonball Z Online Unlimited

by John007qwe
Dragonball Z Online Unlimited
Train to become the strongest!
No more cookies for you! :(
Gonna fix my desktop on Wednesday and I'll be apart of the virtual world once more.
A muffin button?
A muffin button. What the...
Howdy Howdy ,still alive guys?
I'm still breathing, so I'd say yes!
Aye, keep it moving man
We are both still alive and still really good friends. And we are attempting to resurrect the game this summer. No promises though. We'll keep you guys posted.
Summer is here, how things been guys?
We just started working on it last night. There are some things that has to be fixed due to the recent byond updates breaking some stuff. :(
Dam didn't I hit that on time aha. Well keep it going guys,I know it'll be great
I'm learning to use photoshop to make all my icons. It will probably be a bit more tedious but photoshop has superior tools. I mean seriously, photoshop is soooo good.
That's great man, I look foward to see what you have to produce. Especially if it's gonna be improvement on visuals
whats status of game
Well, I'm doing some well needed spriting. John is debugging the game for the latest BYOND build.
Sounds good,keep up the great work when you can.
I used to talk to John all the time when we played Kanak's DBZ Henkan Sai....

Was excited to see this game until I saw the last time anyone posted here was June....

Dead game :(
In response to Metal_Mario33
Metal_Mario33 wrote:
I used to talk to John all the time when we played Kanak's DBZ Henkan Sai....

Was excited to see this game until I saw the last time anyone posted here was June....

Dead game :(

In response to Striking Chaos
Striking Chaos wrote:
Metal_Mario33 wrote:
I used to talk to John all the time when we played Kanak's DBZ Henkan Sai....

Was excited to see this game until I saw the last time anyone posted here was June....

Dead game :(


In response to John007qwe
John007qwe wrote:
Striking Chaos wrote:
Metal_Mario33 wrote:
I used to talk to John all the time when we played Kanak's DBZ Henkan Sai....

Was excited to see this game until I saw the last time anyone posted here was June....

Dead game :(


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