1dlcD7QN2VGcH4hUicz-vJTIVyUXWu9kZRvRt-5ptLl4/ edit?usp=sharing
This is a link to a discussion that I actually just remembered I had with the very intelligent individuals playing on an RP Infinite server a few months back.
The conversation literally began with him saying that profiles that weren't formatted in complex HTML and CSS obviously lack substance and, in conjunction, the character must be bad.
Its conversations like this where people's heads are shoved so far up their own asses that I begin to question the limits of human stupidity. Every time I think to myself, "there's physically no way people could get any dumber than this," I'm immediately, almost as if by divine intervention, handed a situation where I'm proven horribly wrong.
People have become so complacent and lazy with their writing skills that they've graduated from being just lazy, to actually being stupid. The only way I can qualify people like this is by telling myself that they probably are mentally challenged.
Aug 16 2016, 3:45 am
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
bye kats, that right there is bullshit. You can go fuck yourself, suck off anthony's dick and never show your face around here... claiming no admin cares about development when the point of rp is to develop into the world/with the world and setting? what an ignorant fuck, bye Got roasted like a feggit. I should have apologized to his obvious superiority. |
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
I don't want to RP. I just wanna be there when the flame wars break out. I mean, these kids are like 14 to 16 max and super edgy. Waiting for a flame war is like watching the tides roll in. An inevitable, daily ritual of immaturity. Still, immature flame wars are the best. |
In response to Kats
Kats wrote:
EmpirezTeam wrote: breh, you aint gotta explain 14 year olds to me breh. i been dealin wit dat shit since i first discovered this thing called a "moba genre" in 2011. |
I can already tell this is gone b gud.
[edit] shit, i'm only on page two and can already tell i've lost 10% of my brain cells. not sure if i can handle any more of this.