I remember the time where setting the world.icon_size to 1x1 would eat up so much memory it would literally freeze. :P
In response to Akto
Akto wrote:
Are you accidentally recording sound as well?

Well, it's a .gif recorder. I don't think it should record sounds.

Light stuff (with Nadrew's lighting test resource)
In response to Bl4ck Adam
Bl4ck Adam wrote:

Light stuff (with Nadrew's lighting test resource)

You're a God D:

In response to Kozuma3
The resource does all of the work. I just provided the light's icons.

Still haven't quite gotten it (rotation).
In response to Mr_Goober
Mr_Goober wrote:

Still haven't quite gotten it (rotation).

That's awesome x_x

Stuff like this is always so boring to make. But at least it's over and done with.

they become more aggressive at night. attack animations and a death screen!
In response to Bl4ck Adam
@bl4ck adam: I'm loving this. Keep it up. (:

Feed is still inching along. No remarkable progress to report, but a new pistol variant has been implemented. It's named the Kobra and it's your basic OP six shooter:
While not as fast to fire or reload as the standard pistol, it makes up for it in raw power. Also holds a slight range advantage over the pistol.

Also worth mentioning that Crawlers are a little bit faster and enemy death animations are a bit less awkward. I want to get some more fleshed out animations put together sometime soon but that's a task for another day. Have some gifs!



Forgot to post this after I made the fix to the AI movement, and the fix to the second bosses life.

Still working on audio. Took a break from working on it to just kind of relax and reflect on where I want to take the game.

It's weird, I want to make it unique, but at the same time I don't want there to be some random gimmick in the game. It's tough figuring out a hook that will grab people's attention, especially when so many games with this format have interesting setups already.

Everytime I think I have something new and fresh, it turns out it's been done already.

I'll keep looking.
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
I made the library so long ago and I look at it now and all I can do is reel back in disgust lol.

I remember when I thought setting oversized bounding boxes on the map was faster than view(). Holy crap was it not.

Learning and growing man... Wild ride.

How big is oversized?
In response to Kumorii
I'll do my best! @Kumo <3

Gave the zombies glowing red eyes. Though, I think I'm going to make that a special trait for 'stronger' zombies or some with better night vision.

Another one and a quick .gif


vidya. im not sure how to record sound though.

There are different variants of the zombies.
Increased Size(+health, +damage, -speed)
Decreased Size(-health, -damage, +speed)
'Demon Eyed' (Higher chance of spotting the player)

Spot distance is based on distance and light.
(So flashlights at night make it easier to sneak by zombies if you know where they are, but you may find yourself walking into a hoard)

Some of the guns have their ammo and reload time properly implemented.

3 modes of fire (automatic, semi-automatic, 3 round burst).

Some guns can switch between firing modes.

Shotgun's so overpowered it crashes the user (but not the server).
I had to learn a little linear algebra to get this to work just right.

In response to Kaiochao
Kaiochao wrote:

Shotgun's so overpowered it crashes the user (but not the server).

Your mob bouncing around makes me wonder if the projectiles are colliding with the player that created them.
In response to Bravo1
They're not. The mob bouncing around and the camera jumping really far away is completely due to Dream Seeker glitching out. The mob and the camera are never moved. The bullets are all fired from the same exact position, even though they sometimes slide in from near the tip of the gun.

It's possible that these glitches are caused by client.fps and pixel gliding. The world.fps is 10, and client.fps is 60. It actually looks really good... when the camera doesn't follow the player. Never quite as good as world.fps being 60, though.
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