In response to Cicless
Cicless wrote:
I learned everything I know by Ripped Sources and I understand stuff pretty well now, but when I tried reading F1, I was like "Dafuq is this? O_o". It's pretty hard to understand anything in it, I admit, hahahaha. I'm still a newbie, but I'm sure and certain that I'll eventually get the hang of it one day...

What's hard to understand from the DM Reference?
It's not hard, but confusing and complicated, at least for me.
In response to Cicless
Any specific examples? It seems to me that if you can't understand the language reference, you're missing something fundamental. Ripped sources (around here, anyway) tend to spread misconceptions and bad programming practices, so what you think you know may be limiting your ability to learn the proper stuff.

I'm always trying to figure out where people go wrong and how best to deal with it, without coming off as offensive or elitist.
In response to Kaiochao
They either just read the DM tutorial without actually practicing the basics after reading it and/or aren't being honest about the dedication they are actually putting into learning the language.
In response to RoxasX-San
Heh... I practiced it but I mean it kinda lacks examples, especially with the minor stuff IMO, I'm kind of a meticulous person, so don't mind me. XD And yeah, I'm kinda limiting myself cause like I said, I'm still a newbie and can't understand other stuff very well. So I just stick to the stuff I know till I master them then start up with new stuff.
Programming, I have found, is a lot like BDSM. For most people, it's not really their cup of tea, but those of us who enjoy it regularly are kind of sick fucks.
F1, Learning what it means to be Object Oriented, and truthfully exploring outside of Byond. Byond is a haven to which you can collect the skills you learn elsewhere, or just talk and share knowledge, yet there will always be someone smarter than you. Never assume you're the best coder, there's individuals that can write 3D code in Byond in a matter of seconds. You know who you are.
In response to Inuyashaisbest
Inuyashaisbest wrote:
You know who you are.

In response to Rushnut
Rushnut wrote:
Inuyashaisbest wrote:
You know who you are.


ter already made one
The Question is How did you learn programming?

Let's start off with me:

I personally started programming in byond from rips which was bad habit (i had an old key but i dont remember the username nor the password) then i decided to re-create my knowledge of programming cause rips are bad habit so i read DM guide and started programming games *never announced any of them* some had mistakes and bug and i learnt from my mistakes and here I am :D
Simple, Trial and Error.

Way back, I learned off ripped sources, and using the resources from developers site, I eventually just figured out how the code worked from using these things and trial and error OVER and OVER, I never used the BYOND DM Guide it was TL;DR!!! I've forgotten most of everything now though, but I would like to learn again the proper way.
how i learned?
1.working on a NNG project with my brother --->
2.Rip projects of my own --->
3.trail & error on trying to make a original game --->
4.DM guide & reference --->
5.getting rid of the bad habits i developed when i learned from rips. --->
6.experimenting & learning new techniques from people along the way ---> theory & logic/common sense.

The moral of the story is be hazardous when learning from rips it hurts you in the long run sometimes!!, but pixel art & general arts was a god given talent just took me alil practice.
In response to Solomn Architect

digitalmouse wrote:
And lo, the digitalmouse, upon coming of age - and survived cooties - at year 9, wrote his first "what is your name?" program in BASIC on a Honeywell mainframe/network in Atlanta in the year of our lord 1976. And saw that it was good.

Four years later, he spawned an incomplete StarTrek clone dubbed "starwreck". And saw that it also was good, although still written in BASIC.

Later on, he scribbled a communications routine in about 100 bytes of Z80 machine language/op-code to allow two Sinclair ZX80's to talk to each other using only their cassette interface ports. This was meant to be the basis for a computer-to-computer Battleship game, but the digitalmouse discovered girls and motorcycles and all was lost in the great hormonal apocalypse of 1981.

There had been rumors of "the second coming of the digitalmouse" with sacred texts of C, Pascal, Fortran, and Forth, along with the "third coming", "fourth coming", and "sometime soon coming" only to have him be re-discovered in an Ultimate Frisbee team by some cute Danish women in dire need of a better teacher at a local tech college. They appealed to a higher power, and lo, the messiah was reborn as an educator in HTML, CSS, PHP/Perl and MySQL. To this day you can still here the echos of "no! no! no! do not foresake the DOM, and embrace indentation for cleaner, healthier, code!!" in the dark halls between semesters...

Solomn Architect wrote:
This is my gospel now.

Then you might like this excerpt from "Holy Nachos - The Book of Indentations":
And it was written that on the 7.5th day of the 7.5th month, the digitalmouse did pray among the stacks of code printouts and self-help programming books.

Upon the 7.5 hour as Kheprer pushed to Sun into the sky, two books fell from on-high, the first a work of JavaScript decrying it's holiness among the browsers, the other a tome of Python, laid simple for all to learn from. He descended from the hills of Scandinavia, carrying each opus reverently. He grokked them thrice, cried out "give me more!" and thus began the 5th Age of The digitalmouse - at a much higher salary than in the past.

But lo, the angels did weep and swore upon the almighty Nacho Cheese Jalapeño Dip, for he had forsaken all other languages and still did not actually learn anything useful about BYOND's DreamMaker language.

I don't know why, but I have a feeling I'm going to end up being the Satan in this book...
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
I don't know why, but I have a feeling I'm going to end up being the Satan in this book...

I don't think it'd be a bad thing, though. I've always considered you a necessary evil during my time on BYOND. Gotta keep those sinners in line somehow.
its sort of hard to learn but there is a website on how to code in byond
In response to MASTAFLIPS
its sort of hard to learn but there is a website on how to code in byond

Doesn't seem up to date.
well i did not know that so sorry about that
In response to MASTAFLIPS
well i did not know that so sorry about that

You're fine, however I would use the reference in DreamMaker personally. (F1)
A little over 14 years ago I learned to code by looking at other code bases on BYOND. I started out with HTML though - making sites with front page. After a while it got to where I didn't even need software to make websites. I went from HTML to ASP, and from ASP to PHP. Dabbled in quite a bit of C# and C++ over the years. There's a lot of awesome resources to learn to code all over the internet. I think w3schools was my starting point on C#.
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