Jun 12 2016, 2:32 pm
In response to EmpirezTeam
Im sorry kozzy QQ.
More work on finishing up the bosses. The Florahk boss now has two little chompers that will attack the player when hiding out on the sides. They can be shot and disabled for a short time. Makes the battle much more difficult. That pretty much finished up the bosses. Now I just need to work on making the facility area a bit more reasonable and I can start working on audio to wrap up the demo. |
In response to Somepotato
In response to Bravo1
No tongue? (Sexual reference here if anyone got it)
In response to Ghost of ET
I mean, certainly no one here could have ever heard of sexual activities involving the tongue and mouth.
In response to Popisfizzy
Popisfizzy wrote:
I mean, certainly no one here could have ever heard of sexual activities involving the tongue and mouth. I have several sexuals on a daily basis so I definitely know what it is. Sometimes I have so many sexuals, I don't know what to do with them all. |
In response to Popisfizzy
Popisfizzy wrote:
I mean, certainly no one here could have ever heard of sexual activities involving the tongue and mouth. ... Edit: I actually meant french kissing... |
@Somepotato: That DMlua implementation is pretty cool. Wish DM had a little bit more in the way of proper object bindings to C.
Afaik due to the very robust coroutine system in Lua(JIT), its the only language that can work with my current design -- and well, probably anything.
Vanished for a bit, IRL and all that. After recently looking back through my old stuff and saw some things that I disliked. So, I've been doing a bit of odd programming tasks (for myself) to try and better my coding practice.
That was something I made in September of 2015. It was clunky, took too much CPU, and utterly disgusting (but I thought it cool at the time). EDIT: the second gif is bright and it's hurting my eyes. I'm pretty sure it'd do the same to someone else. So, removing the img tag. You'll have to click the link. EPILEPSY WARNING Worked on it yesterday and polished it today. Update loops + blend_mode and a little matrix work does wonders. The quality is immensely different. Am proud of myself. As far as CAVERN goes, I'll have to optimize it's flamethrower and other projectiles too (darned while loop). I also have to find a way to make it more fun. :( |
Oh. The link was broken. Fixed now.
@Kozuma & @Somepotato I love both of your UI work. ^^ |
In response to Kozuma3
Kozuma3 wrote:
https://i.gyazo.com/f4ef2d95c82a5a942276f5c7b0d54f65.png Just realized your game is Runescape inspired. |
Placeholder graphics. Trying to make sure the control scheme is 100% compatible with mobile devices. |
In response to Unwanted4Murder
Might want to hold off on that for a while. Performance is atrocious.
In response to GreatPirateEra
Worst case scenario I finish the game and sit on it until the webclient has better performance. -shrug-
In response to Unwanted4Murder
Unwanted4Murder wrote:
Worst case scenario I finish the game and sit on it until the webclient has better performance. -shrug- http://blogs.unity3d.com/2016/06/13/2d-experimental-preview/ |
In response to Lavenblade
Not sure I follow.