Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault is now available freely on EA Origin's On the House. Get it while you can. :P
I miss the earlier days where a date was actually provided before they change games.
Nox is now available freely through the On The House promotion on EA's Origin.
Battlefield Hardline Getaway expansion is also available freely, though you must own the game to play it. Even if you don't own it, go ahead and claim it. :P |
System Shock 2 is available freely as a giveaway for 48-hours (yours permanently if claimed) by downloading the beta version of GOG Galaxy.
Link: (You must open the program and login to claim it). |
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is available freely as one of the seven free games for Ubi30 through Uplay.
Now, I know there are a lot of people who hate Uplay, but thought it would be worth noting. Link:!/en-US/ubi30 (Uplay is required) And yes, I have found out about it at GameSpot. |
Xbox One
LIMBO - 3cc55383-1ab0-46c9-bd04-0d4bb5921d6a 360 + One - Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - TEKKEN-TAG-TOURNAMENT-2/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d8024e4d0859 Just a note on the above, the Buy Game button on the left does say $29.95, however the popup says "free". PC Pixels Puzzles UndeadZ - |
Nice, I didn't know IndieGala is having a free give away. I know I'm subscribed too. :P
Thanks for mentioning about a giveaway. |
Break Into Zatwor -
LIMBO [STEAM] FREE 21st & 22nd JUNE - limbo-devs-next-game-gets-xbox-one-and-pc-release-/ 1100-6440696/ |
A.T.H.K wrote:
Are we doing PC only? You can include console games if you want to. I've been mainly paying attention to any free games that pop up for the PC. Since this is a Free Games Tracker, it doesn't hurt to include console games that go free. |
Terra Lander (Indiegala) -
Ubisoft are releasing one free game a day to celebrate 30 years. |
Fiends of Imprisonment -
Endorlight -
PS4 Users without PSPlus can enjoy free multiplayer from 10:00 BST 24 June until 10:00 BST 27 June 2016 This is based on the EU region, which includes Australia, US may differ - playstation-plus-open-weekend-kicks-off-this-friday/ | warzone-firefight-comes-halo-5-guardians-june-29/
To celebrate the release of Warzone Firefight next week, the full game of Halo 5: Guardians will be available to download and play FOR FREE to all Xbox Live Gold members from June 29 to July 5 as part of Xbox Live’s “Free Play Days” program. Additionally, Halo 5: Guardians will be on sale for 50 percent off during this same time. There’s no better time to join the Spartan ranks! Note that the game is more than 80GB in size. Maybe closer to 90GB. |
SPACECOM Free, DRM Free (down the bottom of the page).
Splinter Cell has been announced as the next free game for the Ubi 30 on Uplay's page. It will not be available till July 13th.
Another update: Elite Dangerous: Arena is free on Steam (permanently) until July 11th, 2016. This is not the full version of the game, but rather the dogfighting portion of it.
Had been out for the past 5 hours, direct link to the steam page here -