(See the best response by Lummox JR.)

Problem description:

I haven't used dream maker in ages, like a literal year or so, when I came back and installed updates, nothing felt foreign, except for something strange I was now experiencing. This is the maximum lines per output box in the interface, after I returned and opened the menu in-game, I realized that the limit no longer seemed to apply, and multiple lines of output would be displayed, callously throwing the intended look into the wind. Any advice on whats going on here? (I checked the interface to make sure, and I still have 1 as the maximum limit for the output box)
Best response
If you can get this to happen in a bare-bones project, you should make a bug report.
Bare-bones refers to a project that recreates the aforementioned problem?
In response to Cheesy pants
Cheesy pants wrote:
Bare-bones refers to a project that recreates the aforementioned problem?

I'll try, and if i can't I'll just redo my entire interface
well, i did it and the problem is still there and going strong...
Please,....this is ruining my life :c interface_probs.rar
I remade my interface and the problem vanished, but it's still there in the bare-bones above, you can check it if you like