After you learn the profession speak to the trainer again to buy a crafting scroll!

These scrolls will give you the skills you need to progress in your profession.

Though there are a limited amount of scrolls your teacher is able to sell you, mobs your level are able to drop scrolls your trainer is not able to teach. The level of the mob will also decide the level of the scroll it drops.

Though the guide teaches you how to craft doesn't hurt to revisit the process.
Your P key will open your profession window, clicking on the profession will display it's skills and information.

Clicking on the skill will display its information and the items it requires to be crafted.

Clicking on the material needed will give you more information about it.

With all the necesary items in your inventory press craft and you will begin to make the item!!
(How to level your profession up)
Make things!!!! Item's closer to your professions level have a greater chance to level it up,so make those.
(How to quit a profession) shift clicking the profession will open a window allowing you to quit the profession

New Text!
New strength based text, Earth

Wind status (In progress pixel art needed)
Swift trait skill has been tweaked, Walls will no longer be usable.
CTC map change
10 new hair styles
New clothes in the store!
New Item mall items
Farmer scroll: Mobs will not give you exp for 30 minutes
Gold God's text: Allows you to choose your text power.
Find out next episode!