![]() Jun 1 2016, 2:17 pm
In response to EmpirezTeam
But it really was lagg :C
Ghost of ET wrote:
But it really was lagg :C Remember that Reinhardt suicide kill I did? I didn't notice it at first but I think a Tracer lagged into my charge so I ended up killing 2 people instead of just one. I mean I assume it was lag. It could've just been that she used Blink to get away from someone else and accidentally put herself directly in the way of charge. I still can't believe that was chosen as play of the game, lmao. Pharah had taken an absolute shit on us when we were on the control point, it really should have gone to her. |
Next time I play I'm going to record the game, then make videos of when I die and compare what I see and what the kill cam shows. If there is a command for it, I'm even going to enable ping.
Then we'll see what you guys have to say about it. Probably some excuse because I suspect you're the same sort of people who claim you can't see above 24 FPS. |
It might have been because you shut down his ult because he used it just before he died xD. There is a video on it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ef1tKJaK-yU |
The Magic Man wrote:
Next time I play I'm going to record the game, then make videos of when I die and compare what I see and what the kill cam shows. If there is a command for it, I'm even going to enable ping. Don't worry I gotchu, here's a thousand videos of 20 tick rate screwing people over because in 20 tick rate up is down white is black and nothing makes sense. https://www.youtube.com/ results?search_query=overwatch+20+tick Here's one in particular that shows how much of a fucking joke this game is If you don't trust one with so low views, here you go, here's a major technical analyses. |
League of Legends is a whopping 10hz higher. Not only that, they've moved servers closer to where I live to help deal with the abysmal ping and I still got 2 Loss Prevented games in a row last week because everyone was having laggy matches.
But apparently Overwatch is the only game with such issues xd Let's also reiterate that the lack of a decent tick rate in a game that has no competitive mode yet is a non-issue. The reason games like CS:GO are forced to operate at 60hz is because they are not casual games in any sense of the word ( unless of course you're surfing on custom servers ) so people would go apeshit if it had an unacceptable tick rate. 20hz in a game that's technically completely casual at this point isn't a problem. Let's also reiterate that if you're dying multiple times, it's probably because you're just bad. Every death can't be attributed to "the server", sometimes you just, you know, made a mistake. But I forgot, both of you are MLG players ranking highest in the ladder in every game you get into, you couldn't possibly be bad. I'm sure TMM is the Lionel Messi of Overwatch, if he dies it HAS to be because of the shit tick rate lol |
Are you really still trying to compare a strategy game and a FPS skill based arena shooter when discussing latency?
Cmon mang I know you're not good at this but... |
I have not once died from lag in Overwatch. I actually never experience any lag at all.
Better check your network hardware boys. Either that or quit living in a 3rd world country. ./bang |
I thought they both required strategy.
Like you know switching characters in overwatch to counter and working with the team to determine roles and for LoL... uhh... hmm... err... Be the one ass hole who picks BlitzCrank, thresh, or that other ass hole. |
For what it's worth, unlike what I (correctly) predicted for Fallout 4, I expect Overwatch won't die out within a month. It'll probably stick around, it's not fucking shockingly bad, it's a good bit of mindless fun. It's just not 'main game' material. It's more like a side ho, the one you brag to your friends you got, you'll pull it out once in a while and have a little fun, maybe even share in that fun with those friends, but she'll never amount to anything more than a side piece, though she tries so desperately. And in the end it just all comes off like that, desperation. Either you realize that now, and accept it for what it is, or you try and hold onto that bachelor dream, and end up just feeling like a fool later.
Rushnut wrote:
It's more like a side ho, the one you brag to your friends you got, you'll pull it out once in a while and have a little fun, maybe even share in that fun with those friends, but she'll never amount to anything more than a side piece, though she tries so desperately. All you had to say was "Overwatch is like my Mom". We all would've understood. At any rate, sometimes the reason for having a side piece in the first place is because they do something better than your main chick. In this case, when it comes to weeding out people like you and TMM, it does a far better job than League and Dota 2. Even after 5 years of playing those two games, I literally have next to nothing good to say about either of those communities. Between Dota 2 being infested with inbreds who can't speak a single sentence of coherent English and everyone in League blaming their laning phase failures on "MUH JUNGLER DIDN'T GANK", sometimes it's hard to tell which group of socially inept thundercunts is the worst. I've even had teams who were arguing AS WE WERE WINNING. Like, the score is 20-3, we're pushing the enemy Nexus and my teammates are like "you god damn idiots, go die in a fire", "you're all shitty noobs", "report teemo, that faggot KSed me", and I'm just sitting at the computer like ![]() |
You must have some really bad luck.
In LoL I had maybe 1-2 intentional feeders ever, and probably less than 10 really bad games. I saw people arguing every now and then, but it mostly was in the nature of "you should do this" or "don't do that". DotA 2 is pretty much the same. I will admit now, both games have bad players, but a bad player is not the same as someone purposefully trying to ruin the game. I don't know, maybe these bad games are just sticking out in your mind because they're more eventful, or maybe your are at a lower ELO/MMR than me so have to run into these kinds of people a lot more often. That being said, the community in Overwatch is no different from the communities in these games. I see plenty of people getting mad and trash talking their own team mates. I haven't seen an intentional feeder yet, but I've seen people threaten to do it several times. |
The Magic Man wrote:
You must have some really bad luck. Which role did you main? If it wasn't jungler, you avoided a shit ton of confrontations. The misconception that the jungler is responsible for winning everyone's lane for them isn't exclusive to Bronze. And in Dota 2, any game where my teammates aren't speaking English turns out to be absolute cancer. All they type in chat is "ratas noob" ( which after several games I've come to realize they're referring to "rat strategies", specifically heroes like Riki and Slark who avoid fights, farm up, and then start getting solo kills and split pushing. for some reason this really pisses them off, even when you're on THEIR team and helping THEM win by doing it ), "go fuck you mother", or "end fast". Anything outside of that is the usual Russian/Spanish/Mandarin, whatever language those idiots speak. I've even queue'd up before with one of the highest MMR players at that particular time( I think he was almost like 6k or something ) and that was one of the most cancerous matches I can recall. That same 6k player was literally screaming at the top of his lungs into his headset, telling me I should've bought a teleport scroll and went top to gank... despite the fact that I had to solo bottom against two people who denied the shit out of me ( so I have no farm and roughly 3 levels behind what I usually am at that point in the game, so I would've been able to contribute next to nothing to any gank attempt since I was playing a carry ). I actually had a support to begin with, but he left the lane to go help the whiny bastard. Even after taking my support, he still demanded that everyone else drop what they're doing to win his lane for him. Then after the we lose, he's sending me private messages saying "YOU DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CLUE", "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELEPORT TOP" and all this other BS. It was absolutely unbelievable. I will admit now, both games have bad players, but a bad player is not the same as someone purposefully trying to ruin the game. It's not necessarily bad players that I dislike. It's as I said before: anybody who's more interested in fighting ME, their TEAMMATE, as opposed to the actual ENEMIES. So for example, if I'm jungling in League and bottom dies, I don't really care. I don't get too worked up over early game success or misplays. What I get mad at is when they die and immediately type "when are we getting a damn gank", which is complete nonsense considering the fact there's no wards bottom, they're pushed up to the enemy turret, and half the time the support doesn't enable them to get a kill anyway ( i.e. it's way easier to gank bottom when your support is a Blitzcrank as opposed to someone like Janna who's mainly there to protect rather than go on the offensive ). Which, normally if there's at least one good player, I'm able to snowball them and us 2 carry the other 3 babies, but still, going into game after game being blamed for everyone's incompetence gets boring very quickly. Like count how many times you went top and after your bottom died, they immediately said "OMG NOOB TOP LANER". That almost never happens. "Jungler" is the most popular in the excuse in the game by far. You can find several threads on the League forums of other players stating the exact same thing, saying that they switched mains from jungle to mid or top for the sole purpose of not having to deal with what I just explained. That being said, the community in Overwatch is no different from the communities in these games. I see plenty of people getting mad and trash talking their own team mates. I haven't seen an intentional feeder yet, but I've seen people threaten to do it several times. I've yet to see anything in Overwatch resemble the League or Dota 2 community. The closest thing to a toxic remark I've heard thus far was "you two sitting in the back aren't being useful, move up". In League or Dota 2, that would've come out something like "we got 2 noobs doing nothing, ggwp im afk". |
Considering Overwatch has a huge following from League of Legends players/pros in itself, It definitely has alot of toxicity. People typing in all chat "Fucking cancer" when you kill them with Mecree or whatever. And just people on your team with sore attitude. Overwatch definately doesn't have a better community. I've had people on my team flame because the enemy Widow was fucking him.(He was play Reaper. yep....). I'm fairly sure most of Overwatchs community is League players now. Especially with all the pros playing it / fanboys following.
That type of "toxicity" is not what I was referring to. I don't care if the enemy team is raging at me. As a matter of fact, I prefer if they do get mad. I just don't want my OWN team raging. If the enemy team is tilted, that means we're probably going to win, so the more rage on THEIR side, the better. At least they're getting mad at the enemies and not their teammates who are actually their only chance at winning the game.
Toxicity is toxicity. If he's raging at you in all chat for something, he's most likely raging at his team. Which means the coin can easily flip to him being on YOUR team. Overwatch isn't a stranger to toxicity. and It's a fools view to believe that League is worse, when it has a ton of it's playerbase. I have people I played with on League on my Battle.net, think they're not toxic because it's a new game? nawh, they're dicks who flame all game in chat.
Maybe it isn't as bad in lower levels. But playing against level 70+s. There's a lot of toxicity for a game that doesn't even have a ranking system yet. |
This just in: Dragon played with toxic idiots he brought with him from League and his matches were toxic.
More at 11. |