Dragon-Ki Online

by S10Games
Dragon-Ki Online
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Hi Guys just wanted to let you know that Dragon-Ki is making a come back SOON, don't have a specific date yet but you shoudn't have to wait much longer.

Theres going to be some changes done to the game that should hopefully make the experience alot better.

Thank you!

EDIT: Re-Launch 24 Jun, in 3 days. stay tunned.
Final Fantasy XIV reference?
Sure lol. :P
hopefully the changes are something that isn't sitting afk in a safezone town self training for hours on end
In response to Xavion_Zenovka
It's fine I'l just lock your Self Training so that way you can't do it. Problem solved :P
In response to Zasif
Zasif wrote:
It's fine I'l just lock your Self Training so that way you can't do it. Problem solved :P

Those PR skills.
Saw this coming from miles away all the while you were on Skype talking about "oh its too stressful i'll never bring it back!1".

Good luck.
Take out the rb mode find something new instead of that
That's great Zasif! Looking forward to it bruh.
My biggest suggestion would be a more interactive training system. Where fighting, or training would involve players more-so. Rather than AFK the whole time, and it's simply a game of numbers. Who dedicates more time on the game AFKing, etc. Those type of games have been here since '06, and I generally find that if you incorporate your own ideas...people will be more interested in them.

New and inviting.

You could cultivate a great DBZ game, and now is the time. We have a lack luster, but the issue is...DBZ was banned off BYOND a while back. So I recommend changing it into an original idea all together, that way you can actually get real advertisement, and support from this website.
In response to Zewo
The Game has a lot of Active Training you can do in form of Tournaments, Events, Quests, Dragon Whising, you can get a lot more powerful if you're Active then when you're not active.

Yeah my plan is to revamp some of the things that should get us closer to an Original Design while still keeping some of the aspects.
Why don't you revamp some things where its close to the anime where you actually have to be active to train. Instead of implying the rb system where its just a race for the d-balls and not everyone could get that.

(an idea) where its more challenging but worth it in the end.
In response to Zasif
I was more emphasizing the fact that "your" game, isn't yours. This style has been around since I joined, Zasif. Especially when the primary code, icons, etc. where also previously established. Hence why those games aren't around anymore. People enjoy them temporarily, and then the player base diminishes slowly till it dies.

Quests could be more inviting, and interactive. The Dragon Balls should be...harder to collect? IMO. Either though yes, you can get more powerful if you are active...I find the fact that AFKing is even an option is a turn off.

I compare it to a mobile game at that point. Where it's very tedious, short-lived and doesn't really actively pull the player into it's design. Immerse the players, give them something they want. Something they haven't had before. New, refreshing and inviting.

I promise you, from everything I've noticed on this sight...The creator of Naruto GOA, had originally made his own DBZ game as well. It was phenomenal. I forget the name exactly, I'm a bit tired so excuse me...haha.
It was the first game to introduce custom Ki attacks, and Ki struggles. Interactive transformations, etc. It had it's own style to it that far exceeded the rest. The game was booming.

Naruto is the same concept. You have the BR RIPs, or you have NFF, Naruto GOA, etc. Those games usually pushed/push 100 players, but recently you can tell their time is coming. That was after....4 years? Maybe even more...

All I am trying to do is encourage you to make your own design. That's where you'll flourish. It'll be your world, your imagination...and you'll have so much room to grow. I have faith in you partner, I believe you can bring a good game to BYOND. Please try :) Thanks for hearing me out, if you have any questions...maybe want advice, etc. Give me a message on my pager!
In response to Zewo
Sadly it seems this isn't your type of game then, Self Training is a core part of the game even though its a small one compared to the other things you can do. I won't be changing that because then it won't be the type of game its suppose to be among other things. If you're looking for something thats pure Active 24/7 Then I recommand keeping an eye on Gods of Death.

Because thats what I'm aiming with for this game.
Self-training, is a very small part yes. But what about all my other suggestions?
"I promise you, from everything I've noticed on this sight...The creator of Naruto GOA, had originally made his own DBZ game as well. It was phenomenal. I forget the name exactly, I'm a bit tired so excuse me...haha.
It was the first game to introduce custom Ki attacks, and Ki struggles. Interactive transformations, etc. It had it's own style to it that far exceeded the rest. The game was booming."

FYI it was called DB Gekisen, but before that it was known as "ZETA 2"

Custom ki attacks and struggles were some of the last updates it received, for most of its life it was a zeta rip, complete with punch bags and weights with the elusive G4 gravity.

PS I loved zeta 2 and I love Dragon Ki even more :)
See you around guys, Bun
Bun nab I need you for testing.
Yeah, get to testing the AFK Train button.
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