Solomn Architect wrote:
At the very least, if I go through with the Naruto game, I'll be able to create something on a higher level than what's on there now. It should at least appeal to the current gamers on the Anime games right now.

The current anime games are bad but people like them anyway. Clearly they're using different criteria to determine if a game is good than you or I would use. While I'm sure you can make something that would be considered, by the average gamer, to be a better game, I'm not sure you can make something that'd be considered better by BYOND's anime game players (and still be a respectable game).

I don't exactly want to stick with the project, just build it and say, "Yeah, I did that." and move on with my life with other games.

It sounds like a waste of time. You'd be better off skipping all that and moving on to other games.
In response to Forum_account
That's very true.

Wow, I never thought someone could completely murder my motivation for something quite like you can. You, sir, have a gift. Thanks for talking me out of my insanity.
I agree there are too many anime games especially naruto and that the best ones are mediocre at best. But there was one over 5 years ago called Naruto Online by Newbreedofnerd that game had 100+ players playing at once and it rocked. Nothing as good anymore.
Just make the best game you can make, and don't spend a lot of time trying to make it better than other games. Make it good in its own right.
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