In response to Ter13
That's to hardcore for me :C, and i like to pick up a lot of stuff :3/i love loot, and i usually play the thief which means im always getting a lot of items legitimate or not. 8).
Been grinding my brain out on the webclient ! Here's my progress on an inventory so far... learning alot of CSS/Javascript! lol
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
Indeed, stick with white over them bars.

Or a black outline.
In response to Mitchy
Mitchy wrote:
Been grinding my brain out on the webclient ! Here's my progress on an inventory so far... learning alot of CSS/Javascript! lol

Y u no use php??
Y u no use php??

Because it would defeat the purpose entirely of a client-side UI. (PHP is a server-side language for serving webpages, not for building responsive client-side applications. DM is arguably less server-side than PHP.)

Also, end to end javascript is murdering PHP's niche bit by bit.
In response to Ghost of ET
PHP is not really an applicable tool for a realtime, responsive web applet (beyond the back-end, which is handled by DM).
Also, node.js is becoming the hipster's PHP / Ruby on Rails. Join or die, m'guy.
Okay :c.

In response to Doohl
Doohl wrote:
Also, node.js is becoming the hipster's PHP / Ruby on Rails. Join or die, m'guy.

Javascript is taking over. :(

Do you think NodeJS will eventually push out PHP all together?
Do you think NodeJS will eventually push out PHP all together?

It has some pretty serious ease of use advantages over PHP. Being able to author your back and front end in the same language is a big improvement to the web authoring world. I mean, to write any kind of a decent website, you already have to have a pretty good understanding of CSS, Javascript, HTML, and some variant of SQL. Taking PHP/ASP/JSP out of the mix can be a serious advantage for your average website developer.

I'm unsure of the scalability of Node-based webservers, but I can understand why someone would seek to abandon PHP entirely. Add to it that modern ECMA6/7 features are bringing Javascript to the forefront of runtime scripting languages, and the fact that runtime optimization and runtime compilation is really getting to be a thing, and you've got some real reasons to, as Doohl says, join or die.

Let it burrrn
In response to Zagros5000
Zagros5000 wrote:

Fireball jutsu xD
making more progress!

Next step is clean up the draging code a bit, and see if I can have the items able to drag back onto the map... whew.. lol

Should offer a lot more readability. What do you fellows think?

Much easier on the eyes in my opinion.
In response to Bl4ck Adam
Much better! but I feel like the blue font should be darker, as it stands out from the red and yellow.
In response to GreatPirateEra
GreatPirateEra wrote:
Much better! but I feel like the blue font should be darker, as it stands out from the red and yellow.

Easy fix!

At this point, it's time for me to start looking into creating a few enemy types.
In response to Bl4ck Adam
Bl4ck Adam wrote:
Should offer a lot more readability. What do you fellows think?

That's a lot of $$$$$ what are you going to spend it on 8)??
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