Shinobi Of Legend

by Saucepan Man
Shinobi of Legend (SoL) is a Ninja MMORPG loosely based around the world of Naruto. Set on an expansive map, players can train their characters to match their own unique playing style. Training can be done solo, co-op, or by just playing the game.
<3333 lolz my friends from last whipe seem to have come home Noni and DMC <3333 i wish i could have host powers seriously i luv the game and whatnot but im sure i wouldnt be able to handle it plus most GMs hate me from previous whipes but i do think if the people who do host the game and are in charge have possession of the game should give it to someone who is trust worthy and loves the game instead of having the game be wasted by not being played. that's my honest opinion. its like growing an apple tree and not harvesting the apples it produces every spring.
You guys all need to cool down, take a breather and relax: P

Seriously, to start things off Kevin ill elaborate a bit. You either missed the entire speech by Myst and came on after or just weren't there at all, I know each and every person that was there during Myst's speech. People didn't quit they were forced to and yes they will claim otherwise.

Rysher, you seriously don't know what you are talking about but you are on the right track. For example Levi never had the host files, yes most of the GMs were newbs (but every gm starts from somewhere), and no Myst never demoted any gm that was coded in most just disappeared. As to the gm abuse at least while I was on I only witnessed one gm ever abuse and it was incredibly minor things (I will not say who it was). Other than that I had never seen any gm abuse. Oh right and the forum was down for a serious problem that I will not disclose but I will say that an email was sent out when it was taken down explaining why and what you should do.

Noni all bans were done with cause, As an example ill use Namy... he was watched for days because there was a lot going around about him, but he was not banned until proof arose, after which he circumvented his ban (multiple times though he will claim otherwise). If any of you recall Dens (before he went mia as well) announced all Bugs were now zero tolerance most people were lucky to get a warning (if they got one). now imagine there were a total of 100(random number) players to ever play and 80(random number) were banned for legit reasons while 5(random number) were banned for suspicion that only leaves 15 players that play fair or haven't been caught, that is what was going on. 85% or so of the sol player base was on a banned list specifically due to prior offenses. Also there was/is a forum set up but no one uses/d it.

I'll say it again, the sole purpose for SoLs downfall is the bugs that are currently (and have been) unfixed. Yes this includes bugs that create lag, as well as bugs for improving your in game player. It got out of hand and lead to things being chaotic, but the line was crossed when players began circumventing bans.

This will be my last post on here, and If you want to reach me you should go to the temporary sol forum located Here

P.s once again ignore the poor grammar ;)
im sorry for my ignorance of how the host files work im not that supah tech savy like alot of u guys. all i know is i luv the game and it may be not returnin which makes alot of people upset and sad
thanks for clearing things up screwie i appreciate your patience and apreciate u putting up a new fourm. especially since this is the best game on byond ill be joining your fourm shortly
i just wanted to be #1500
win :D
know whats sad since sol went down i am re watching one peice from the beginning of course skipping the filler episodes and im already up to episode 144 >.<
Lol you should get a GF XD
I have a girlfriend. Not be gone, you are not wanted here.
i know but i live in a comunity with like 3 people even close to my age and there all dudes >.< but at collage i was occupied if u know what i mean but im not going back for a while im joining the navy in 1 week so i have to go ladyless for a while longer
damn that sucks kev, good luck in the navy, but dont get your brain washed! always remember your ninja days! *feels like a ninja* ;)
lolz of course im actualy the type of person who is very anlytical and love pshychology and i love whitinessing attempts to psychologicaly alter another person. im the type of person wholl let them think they brain wash me but in reality ill be the same old kevin. growing up i had more psychological damage than most im pretty sure im past a point of insanity and bordom of remedial things should be fun
i actually went to college to originally be a psychological profiler lolz and wrote many papers on ptsd serial killers nature vs nurture iv done my resercha and got an A in psychology :D lets see them brain wash me <---- the reason i cant be hipnotized im to anilitical aware/ parinoid
In response to ScrewyParasite
@ my section , ScrewyParasite post
I didn't say they were banned for no cause, I said some might have been banned JUST for suspicion. Zero Tolerance was a necessity else the game would have been known as a buggy game and lowered its reputation.

But on the other hand, if we talk about that. All the posts here seem to indicate that the thing that lowered the Reputation of this game is Abusive GMs.

That is not the case. It was the inactivity of the game's coder, and the incomplete host file that was hosted was the problem. Everything else just stemmed from that.

Most people dont realize that this is just a game so what if someone cheats are you gonna die? no so why ban them? its not like their tryna crash the game their just making the game more fun for themselves thats the object of a entertain people.for once I agree with you demon.
demon >.< why u got to post that ur just gonna cause more bug abusers and the game will nevah go up again... for those who dont know. sure its easy to bug abuse but you will get cought if u use the sp bug the gms can do math and see if your online hours corilate to strength and sp consumption also a simple equasion on missions and sp gains from that. the fishing glitch is too obvious if someone has 2-5 k lavas shadows and angels. the money one is posiibly the easies and most abused glitch...pretty easy to detect a genine with 80k gold huh

you will get cought trust me i used glitches a few whipes ago and i always got cought no matter how discretely u do it.

i belive it should be a 1 strike your char is deleted 2 strikes ban for veterin players and 1 warning to new than the previously mentioned strikes but thats just me u gotta be tough on players or they won learn. if that were done most of us would still have a game to play and the bug abusers would seise to exist.

oh and i dont agree with the suspicious crap that some gms use as an escuse to ban or discipline a player. if u wanna blame some one of something u need cold hard proof. once i had a inzk and my dog spam killed chickens and when my dog died it actually looses the chickens killed and GMs froze me for suspicion of feather glitch and i was frozen for 2 weeks thanks to a crash that made me frozen till a GM who had un freeze could do so.

all i know is i hope sol comes back on soon
Ok, unfortunately i missed what happened the other day, so...let's's down because of asshole bug abusers. Ok, i get that. GMs decided or myst decided, either way, to abuse players/abusers. seems fair. My only question then: Do we really have to wait till 2015 before the game is up again?!
ROFL Demon, you are living the gamer dream, spreading bugs XD
well fuk the game was up yester day mind letting people know myst before going tht put it up bro
the game was only on for like 4 secs then went back down
kevin shut the fuck up ._., your a stupid weak motherfucker lol go suck the gms dick some more and scrape out son.

Rysher all im saying is fuck sol, why is everyone stuck on this game which has shitty gms a owner that is never here to fix the bugs, or to fix his shitty staff, there will be a better game coming out soon shit thats all i can say for now.

Rysher thing is even if people dont abuse, gms eventually abuse them, Gms that got emotional problems, should just leave the game instead of staying on and abusing players but every gm here is so stuck up and probably sucks their own dicks all the time thinking they are something special.

If its a Game then why the fuck are you getting to mad when a player kills you ?, just because your a gm dont mean shit to me thats where the differenes come between me and other players, most players go inside the gms assholes and stays in there for protection thinking they are god looool!, me fuck that if i see a gm that nigga is another kill count.
Thats all.


Alright Alright Alriiiighhttttt, You gonna Learn today! o.O BITCH!
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