so after seeing the land of fire map system using planes im intrigued to try the same but I have no idea how to even use planes and the help directory doesn't tell me much so how would i use a plane to make a map like they did? I plan on just using it for the ground detail mostly
![]() Apr 1 2016, 12:07 pm
FKI wrote:
A good example of Byond's plane in use is Nadrew's Lighting Test. (Side-note: I noticed PLANE_MASTER isn't under appearance_flags also, in the reference; it is under the plane var.) It's not there in the online reference, which only goes up to the latest stable build. It is there in the beta reference. |
so i dont get it how is it that they keep file size down if they are using large images? i tried to make a 250x250 map which is 8,000x8,000pixels which is like 110mbs and doesn't the large images reguardless if used with planes slow down the compile time alot? i noticed maps take forever to compile with large images
just going to throw in my 2 cents, last night I fixed the problem LoF faced with choking on those large files. On behalf of Lummox's advice, I fused the layers from 11 to 3. I have the terrain layer, middle layer, and sky layer. Planes for those 3 layers are -10, 0, and 10. I then cropped those 3 layers into 320x320 pieces, and had them rendered as images that are saved onto a global list. The list is organized by different map zones. Each time a player loads into a new map, it dumps out any scene images from their client.images, and loads in the respective scene images from the list into client.images. Because the images aren't overlays, and have actual x,y,z locations, it allowed the map rendering some breathing room and didn't have to load up the ENTIRE map at once, but rather in pieces.
All Land of Fire is doing, is [essentially] placing a large, hand-drawn image on the map.
A good example of Byond's plane in use is Nadrew's Lighting Test. (Side-note: I noticed PLANE_MASTER isn't under appearance_flags also, in the reference; it is under the plane var.)