Shinobi Of Legend

by Saucepan Man
Shinobi of Legend (SoL) is a Ninja MMORPG loosely based around the world of Naruto. Set on an expansive map, players can train their characters to match their own unique playing style. Training can be done solo, co-op, or by just playing the game.
This is an amazing game I only have one problem with it right now and it is the fact we can't play on a server for over 7 hours without it be taken down for whatever reason. I won't say anything bad about the game, but I find it annoying to have to wait for such a long time. I mean I can understand if there is an issue with the game or maybe even an update, but those could have been fixed before putting the game up.
Okay everyone you need to calm ya tits, Levi hasnt even said that he's done hosting he's just takeing a host break so he can actualy do something else, think about it. While hosting for most people you can't exactly play any other games, so he's probly just takeing a few days off, don't assume he's done hosting or he might actualy stop.
Well..they should simply find another host..Since their are transfering host from one to other...Mysterys server was awesome,and even then u talked shit about that guy...He hosted 24/7...And if i am correct at one time he needed to pay for something...dunno exactly what...and he still did't shout the game down...And Levi...Dunno about that one...If he can't host he simply should just write "Guys I won't host the game again" and thats it,he doesn't even have to say he is sorry....
He should tell us something,just to inform those 100 people that are waiting for the game to come back up ...
Guys lets just give a break to kashii as zrp said he may need some space to play some other games etc... go do something else while game is down...make plans on your character of this wipe I bet some of you are just "I wanna play" and when game comes up u do nothing but to train without a plan etc...idk do something but stop spamming here :P
No disrespect, but some of you sound like you seriously need to go and explore the outside world.

Theres more to life than byond games.
In response to Anime xXx Eclipse
lol they act as if the world ended now im a huge gamer my self but at lest i have the sense to go look for other things to do in my life if something like this happens oh wait then again most ppl in byond probably dont have a relationship out side the realm of gaming...go out side damn u!! XD
In response to WizardOfDestruction
WizardOfDestruction wrote:
No disrespect, but some of you sound like you seriously need to go and explore the outside world.

Theres more to life than byond games.

omg yet another person who can think for them self's perhaps this world isn't doomed after all
In response to Time_Paradox4
Im with ya on that one...
alright admit i love this game so much lately i havent had a life but that just means that the game is amazing and has the potential to become even more popular. and i agree with andy 24 that allot of players half ass your characters and senselessly sp whore to early and don't have plans how to make a powerful char. imma play a possibly neardier game called magic the gathering its pretty fun its a card game kind of a mix of yugi oh and pokeymon
Yeah yeah pokeymon..hahaha :)
I don't need a life,i need sol :D :D
No one is saying any shit about kashi...He should just come here and tell us whats wrong...will he host it still,or not...That takes 2 minutes of LIFE and helps alot ....So we know if its coming up or not...Every day less and less players are waiting for it to come up...The best game on byond is off...Sucks like SHIT...
Agreed completely with @legendaryStudent, he should come in here and spend 2 mins of his life telling us whats going on, we have the right to know, cuz we are faithful followers of SoL and we deserve that :)
...Have anyone ever thought of kashi needing a break to fix something on the game? Or just a break from making this game better? Better yet, maybe a break from this game period so he can get on with his life? Theres probably alot of reasons on why this game is off. I know SOL is addicting and stuff but if you cant go simple weeks without it, you need to see a therapist...
um so i just tried to get on to sol cuz it said it was on and my connection "failed" is this happening to anyone else?
um wth sol was dwn for mouths before since myst is done hostin kashi has taken the time to host for a us as long as he can or wants. i felt like saying this
Looks like kashi hosted it for a little but today tho dam i missed it awww
You really didn't miss a lot was like 20 mins
I wanna be finn from adventurin' time.......
andy do u know if hes putting it bak up later ?
Why I got randomly banned? I was playing 2 minutes ago.
Banned by host:
Yeah.. Nice try for a new key made wednesday, I noticed it straight away. Keep trying to get in and I'll restrict and ban any new character I see to get rid of you. Thanks and have a nice day.

Hahahahhaha..Kashi u fuck...why do u mean I am Broly dude ?? :/
Check the IP and see where do i live,and where does that dude live...I can't belive that ur IQ is so low...grow up kiddo :)
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