I'm pretty sure that it creates a copy of the list in memory to iterate through, so modifications to the actual list don't actually affect it.
Lummox JR wrote:
A for(item in list) loop always copies the list before iterating.
Learn somethin' new every day. Thanks for the info!
Lummox JR wrote:
User-created lists in DM are arrays. Linked lists are only used for special kinds of lists, like contents. The logistics of copying data and re-allocating frequently don't really account for the difference in performance that Pomf is seeing, IMO, especially as lists attempt to adjust for that by allocating more space as the list gets bigger.
Hmmm, it especially wouldn't explain his read-only access performance numbers. I look forward to reading the resolution text of this one!
A for(item in list) loop always copies the list before iterating.