(See the best response by Spunky_Girl.)
EdgeProtection=list (NORTH,EAST,WEST)


spawn() PhaseWorld()
spawn() GenerateFlowers()

the addglobaledges are for main and the rest are turfs that i have been trying to fix but im getting the undefined proc and undefined Var

Would help if you provided more information on what you're trying to do and what's occuring.

I assume you're just trying to get the procs to call uppon the world opening?

world/New() is the startup proc for the world, move the spawn() called procs into world/New().
In response to NNAAAAHH
its for turfs
You can still call turf procs from world/New()

for(var/turf/T in world)

In response to Goddess of the Angels
I can tell the top part is defining two seperate turfs, but the spawn() called procs arn't used at all, you'd have to include it in a proc, then call that proc. New() is automaticly called uppon creation of the topic(mob, obj, turf, ect) and would be the easiest to do.

You'd have to clearify alot more what your issue is and what you're meaning to do, you might have to provide more code than that for anyone to offer assistance, depending on what the actual issue is.
Best response
The compiler is telling you exactly what is wrong - you never defined the procs and variables. Looking at your code, at no point did you utilize the 'var' keyword or 'proc' keyword to define your procs and vars.
mob/var/myVariable = 1 //how a variable is defined - this being a mob variable with a default value of 1

src.myVariable ++
//how a proc is defined - this being a mob proc that adds one to the predefined myVariable mob var.