Would you provide your service free to help byond expand game number wise?
(Before you ask, no I'm not asking for no service, just curious of what developers would do?)
Services can mean funding, sound engineering, Pixeling, programming
![]() Nov 27 2015, 12:49 pm
Poll: Would you provide your service free to help byond expand game number wise?
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Usually, in a poll like this you would include an outright "Yes" option, FYI. You're implying already that no one would just want to help to the best of their abilities with no strings attached.
Notably, the "no strings attached" bit is exactly what library developers do. I am the latter, inasmuch as I'm even a developer on BYOND anymore, and I enjoy writing libraries than I enjoy making games. |
Precisely what Popisfizzy said. An outright "yes" option would be nice, however unlike him, I just want to make games, not libraries. I dislike managing the team, and I'd love to have a fellow programmer, if not more, to bounce ideas off and help me when I struggle with motivation.
So, yes. Give me an artist and someone with a good idea and though, preferred but not required, a second programmer, and I'll be off for days doin' w0rk. |
Since most contributions to games from my end would come from music and sound design, I'd have to say a resounding no. It would have to be a project that I felt passionate about as well, otherwise, simply for "exposure", I'd never dedicate months of my life to scoring a project for free that may or may not ever be released.
There's just too much work that goes into what I do to warrant that. It's also a contributing reason as to why I've never bothered trying to work with any developers here, most are either poor or severely low ball your worth. |
Travylleb wrote:
Would you provide your service free to help byond expand game number wise? There's a lot of strange limitations and quirks in the language that I feel need to be looked into before it can ever even be considered mainstream. One of the factors that prevent BYOND from growing is due to the vast majority of games still being written using older methods. New projects are still not being developed in the webclient. Instead, developers opt to develop in Dream Seeker instead, which hurts the chances of fixing some issues because a lot of UI code has to be maintained. This prevents much needed work on the compiler from being completed, since more priority is assigned to Dream Seeker bugs (which is ok). On the same note there's only one IDE for BYOND. Dream Maker. And bug reports and feature requests for it are still accepted (which is ok too, they should be accepted if there is no viable alternative). What I feel needs to happen for BYOND to grow is the following:
Some newer developers are trying to use the new webclient to develop, but so far I haven't seen/heard from their projects yet. But I've also witnessed first-hand that a lot of older developers still find it difficult to use the webclient features. tl;dr I'd love to see more games appear on the system and enough income for BYOND to grow and improve. And I have no problem giving my support for free if the project/developers/team (all of those factors) are worthy enough. But your idea would need to make sense (poorly developed DBZ games with "Super Saiyan 14" (SS14) still doesn't make sense to me, though there's canonically "Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan" (SSGSS) now haha, so what do I know?), you'd need to be willing to compromise (if you want "Super Saiyan 14" that's fine by me, but let's first discuss what it adds to the game), you'd need to have a plan to make your project grow (ok so now we have a "Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan 14" but still only regular 5 players... isn't it time to create a growth plan or something?) Services can mean funding, sound engineering, Pixeling, programming Oh. Well, I was going to mention that I offer my own hosting service and that I'd have no problem hosting games that are going somewhere. But I guess since that isn't a service I shouldn't make that offer. Ok then. :( |
There's actually already plugins for Eclipse and Sublime Text 2, NullQuery. The more you know!
Rushnut wrote:
There's actually already plugins for Eclipse and Sublime Text 2, NullQuery. The more you know! I know, but IIRC Sublime Text costs money and is only a text editor (no map or icon editor available) and the Eclipse plugin I wrote myself and also only contains the code editor/compiler-only. Unless you know of someone else who wrote an Eclipse version... |
I'll have a fish around for the Eclipse plugin, but the Sublime Text 2 free version isn't particularly intrusive. I've been using it a fair amount and maybe once a day when you save it asks you to consider purchasing the full version. It's not like a trial or anything, you have full access, just a simple popup every now and then on saving.
E: Oh! Haha I looked on the Github a few days ago and must have seen your very own entry, didn't check the name! Guess yours is the plugin I was speaking of, nevermind! :P |
Also here is my obligatory "help wanted" ad for anyone interested in, well, helping out & learning: http://www.byond.com/forum/?post=1989776 |
Actually after I finished my 2nd game I made a blog post offering to make entire games for people for like $40 or something. I had two or three modular projects set up based on the ideas I thought I was going to get, and I'd take the ideas people wanted me to create for them and find ways to make them work within my skill level.
Now, considering how much work goes into making a game, you can pretty much call $40 for a completed project next to free. Most people will charge you triple that just for some art alone. Despite me having 2 projects finished and offering to make games dirt cheap for people, I got only one response which was from, iirc, Schnitzelnagler ( or however you spelled his name ) in which he was telling me to halve my already ridiculously low price and then "maybe he'd consider employing me". It was after investing time into my own projects as well as trying to help other people make new creative things on this site and watching it all amount to nothing because people just wanted to blog about CSS and whatever the latest drama was that I concluded that the average IQ of the users on this site was dangerously low to the point that I was wasting my time trying to be productive here. So no, I would not work for people for free on this site. I wouldn't even work for people if they were paying me on this site. I want nothing more than to just spectate at this point. You can't help people that aren't even willing to help themselves. So if NullQuery is looking for a reason as to why most of the people who get anything done on this site are "lone wolves", he needn't look farther than this post here. |
Can you think of any other pros besides the one I listed?