Hi there, my friend had told me to get Byond so I could play a game with him which happens to require this. I've looked around, and I didn't really understand how to install Byond using the linux download. It says type "make" and I did in the terminal, but it says nothing was found. I also went searching and saw I could use a VMware Fusion then use Windows on Mac, but I'm not the best with computers so I didn't want to deal with something like that. Along with that, I tried to look up a Mac solution, but it's kind of out dated (http://www.byond.com/forum/?post=30337) there's the link if you want to look at it. But my main question is if I can some how get Byond for Mac and be able to play.. I'm willing to do like VMware Fusion or whatever, but I just really want to play. Can anyone help me? :/
The MAC and Linux versions are only command line tools, if you want to use BYOND you'll want a VM with Windows or if the game allows it you can use its webclient.
VMware is your best bet. Once the web client is stable you can use that, but for the time being it's probably better to install a small Windows virtual machine on the side and run BYOND in that.
As mentioned the Linux and Mac versions are for hosting only - they do not contain the client files nor the pager program. |
The make command is a GNU tool for Linux that's used to run files that are known as 'makefiles'. The linux tar file has a makefile that you can run using the make command with the "install" argument. So when in the directory with the byond installation files, you just type in make install to install DD and DM on your system.