I have been working on a mobile game since last month - PonjiRo. It is now available for Android Devices released under my own brand(trying to make it one) Kubaer Gaming.
Download it Here

It has been a tremendous experience for a beginner and inexperienced guy like me. I faced a lot of tragedies which ultimately have been a learning experience for me. I have been betrayed and then due to the same learned about laws, and had the glory of making contacts with dozen programmers from various websites with great experience. A confidence boost really. Not only that, I learned a lot about game development too which ultimately would help me with my next endeavours and probably BYOND too. I owe a lot to BYOND and community. Thanks for that guys.
I urge you all, to stick to your project no matter what; no effort goes in vain.
Thanks a lot for support! And so sorry if this advertising thing isn't allowed.
If all projects only took a few months, we'd have a lot more original games around. Sure, we can make "a game in a day", but a lot of us want more than just a game; we want a story to be told through our game. Incorporating both story and gameplay into a game of any decent scale will take years.
Over ambitious, most of us are. It takes a lot more to "stick to your project" and "remain focused" when you're dedicating potentially years of our lives to something now and hopefully getting a return from it(and worrying about if you'll have any return when it's done. Sure, you'll be happy with just a few people enjoying your games; but you'll be much less likely to continue making games if you invest more than a few months of work into a project and come out with less than you put in). I wish you and your project the best of luck, just felt like you were understating the work and time it takes to come out with quality projects.