So are the denizens of BYOND predominantly cat people or dog people?
I'm a cat person. I grew up with cats.
![]() Nov 5 2015, 11:59 am
![]() Nov 5 2015, 11:59 am
I like Kats.
I totally wasn't checking out your recent posts or anything when you posted this.
Ghost of ET wrote:
I like Kats. ^. No but seriously, I can't pick between them. Both are amazing and have unique feats that make me like each of them. |
Dogs all the way. I don't have anything against cats, but I like having a large dog I can count on to warn me when somebody is in my property, specially one which can fend off said intruders himself and which has a strong work ethic and desire to please. Also, I like social animals and my dog cuddling me like he's some little baby when he's 93 pounds. I like being able to walk him too and run and pretty much anything
Dogs are disgusting. They stink and they slobber all over you with tongues that are not made to clean you -- unlike cats. Any time I see someone putting up with a dog licking their faces I just want to shove them into a disinfecting chamber and scold them until they never do it again. Dogs have their uses, sure, but they're disgusting like farm animals. If you like disgusting farm animals, then get a dog.
Cats don't stink and their tongues are made for cleaning, not disgustingly slobbering. And anybody that says cats aren't loving or friendly has no experience with cats. I've had multiple cats that will follow me around outside on a hike in the woods just like a dog might. Cats aren't just about food either. They'll snuggle up with you just like a dog. They love to be rubbed and scratched and even do the same to you. Cats are adorable, funny, loving, fluffy, and perpetually clean. Dogs are disgusting, smell bad, lick you with their disgusting tongues, and much of the time are pretty ugly compared to cats. |
Fugsnark said:
Any time I see someone putting up with a dog licking their faces I just want to shove them into a disinfecting chamber and scold them until they never do it again. You and I both. And anybody that says cats aren't loving or friendly has no experience with cats. I've had multiple cats that will follow me around outside on a hike in the woods just like a dog might. Cats aren't just about food either. They'll snuggle up with you just like a dog. They love to be rubbed and scratched and even do the same to you. Agreed. [...] and much of the time are pretty ugly compared to cats. Lol'd. I've had both cats and dogs throughout my life, but I voted for dogs. My last dog who's no longer with us was a Labrador/Border Collie mix whom we rescued, and from day one, he was nothing but loyal and loving to the family. He looked a lot like this and was very big, but soft-hearted despite his size -- he'd tear you up in a second though if you posed the slightest threat to the squad. However, I don't like "yuppy" dogs -- that is, an annoying, weasel-like dog, such as a Chihuahua or anything similar. I personally believe dogs are meant to be relatively large so they can protect you and the family. Your dog should also show you respect, as you, it. Yuppy dogs are often annoying, disrespectful, mischievous, spiteful, and sly. These aren't dogs to me, not in the slightest -- a cat-dog sounds more accurate. Family members of mine currently have two yuppy dogs, and while that's not where my dislike for them started, it definitely solidified it (though, the female dog is cool and I like her; the male is actually the bitch of the two). |
I agree there are good dogs that I even find tolerable. In that case, if they don't slobber me, I'll even let them get close. If they smell, though, I don't want them anywhere near me. That really comes down to the owners doing their job of cleaning the dang thing.
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Dogs behave more like friends. Cats behave more like "feed me and STFU". Which is why I like cats... |
Pugs > Cats > Dogs
There are no exceptions. If you think there are, you are wrong. |
This is Spook. She's a kitten I got about two weeks ago. My old cat, Bob, passed last year and about crushed me but Spook is awesome. She's really affectionate and ballsy.
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