I couldn't of gone this far without VixiV and his talents with pixel art, kept my motivation high and I'm blowing right through this.
Since I got back from class, I've been updating the code for my forthcoming BigInt library to be both smaller and more efficient. Integer addition is about 15% faster and integer multiplication about 50% faster. The test output I have available so far is,
/* [Edit] To give a comparison of how significant a speedup this is relative to other big number/big integer libraries on BYOND right now, here is computing 300! (300 factorial, for those in the dark about that notation) with Hobnob's bignum library. Profile results (total time) And here is with Asielen's RealBignum library. Profile results (total time) For this specific example, my library has a 70% increase in speed over RealBignum and a 740% increase over Bignum. This library is a significant improvement over what is available right now. |
More test output, this time for squaring and general exponentiation.
/* Not too shabby for computing high double digit powers of numbers in the billions. |
Ghost of ET wrote:
That ice move looks oped af. Right? You just got one-shot... Then again, not sure whether you guys are in the beta balancing phase yet, so that might be why. I can see it being noted if you guys were just testing if the system worked and if both parties responded correctly when the match was over. |
Ah, in that .gif I was at level 116 and Doohl was level 10, hence the short fight. The level cap is set to 60.
Blunt weapons such as bats can break bones hindering movement and/or resulting in death.
Slashing/Stabbing Weapons such as knives or machetes have a chance of making the target bleed. And if you bleed out you die, of course. ..did I mention perma death? ![]() |
It's not a stun. It's a root, meaning the target can cast but is unable to move for the spell's duration. The cooldown of the spell is set to 32 seconds, though I imagine that'll change (along with most numbers) when we playtest on a larger scale.
Ghost of ET wrote:
Are there any defensive spells :]? Yes, though it depends on how you define defensive: Ring of Protection (Enchanter Class) - Spawns an AoE that decreases incoming damage by 50% for the caster and their party for the duration of the spell. Enchanter's Embrace (Enchanter Class) - The caster's damage is increased by 10% and increasing damage is reduced by 30% for 5 seconds. Shadowstep (Shadowstalker Class) - The target will teleport in the direction they're moving in (or last moved in) for 5 tiles, or if the target is in range, directly to them. Their next attack will auto-crit. Stealth (Shadowstalker Class) - The caster becomes transparent. If nobody is targeting them, they turn invisible. Their movement is slowed during the spell's duration and any incoming damage is reduced by 40%, though this only lasts for a few seconds as stealth deactivates when you're under attack. Hydra Summon (Summoner Class) - At its highest level, the summon can spawn a circle of water spouts around the target that traps them in an enclosed area. Cleanse (Water Tree) - A small heal to the user and at the highest level it removes all actives debuffs. Also, we added a 'tome' a while ago, which is essentially learnable spells by acquiring the specific tome as loot and paying the SP cost. You open the menu when near an enchanted tome stand object on the map. There's only defensive tome at the moment, though we want to add more in general as boss loot: Dig - Invulnerable while underground, deals AoE dealing (physical or magic depending on highest stat) when you pop up: http://i.imgur.com/pqvNWxe.gifv (visual bugs were fixed) |
I expect that you guys have or have planned fight statistics tracking? Just to track the average damage, damage mitigation, cc, ect for each class. I've found that that data is invaluable for balancing. Lol.
Well, we can't hurt each other just yet, but at least their AI is coded and they're reasonably annoying, as any decent enemy should be.
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Lighting has been redone and looks beautiful, now to add in flashlights ;)