Japan. Anime school feel

![]() Nov 3 2015, 10:35 am
![]() Nov 3 2015, 11:59 am
The stance seems a little too wide-legged, but overall, I really like the anime feel of it. It's not too shabby.
i agree ima make some changes to that with the female i plan on making there leg bowlegged a little. and fix the spacing 8)
thanks |
Will do and i fixed that banding issue thanks didn't really notice. Always good to have a second eye
Its zoomed in because I wasn't really gonna post it but it was to show my programmer what it was looking like so i just randomly took the pic wile it was zoomed in on dm. More out of laziness i didn't post a better pic but ima post the new edit soon
My fav is the bunny ears.
:) I have a few ideas on clothing. Bunny suit. Kimono. |
I really like your style :3, i wouldn't suggest must except for what Kat suggested already which was to make the legs less spread.(and since i beat southend to the edit)I would like to suggest not using black as your shading method like on the top left ear, and go for something more subtle. I didn't try to change it too much tho.
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Oh man, your original is fantastic but that edit by VixiV has once again inspired me to actually try and become any good at pixel art.
Off I go again. |
Adjusted the pose and softened up the edges of the sprite. Very nice. I either prefer a very dark outline, almost cell shaded in style, or more blended like your current edit, VixiV.
yea i fixed the spacing wit leg and the clothing is shaded that way it was just a black outline cause that was the unfinished product.And i think ima go with ur shading style VixiV 8) thanks for the feed back
o and i kno this isnt really the place to ask but if anyone is good at making buildings/houses im looking for someone to do so |
![]() I hope you like it and find it improved version to your character. If so, here's things I have done: 1. Spacing between legs. Yours stands like a slut. If she has to look decent, her legs should be closer, like a normal person. VixiV pointed that out but I have brought them even more closer. 2. Light source. In your version there is none. I am no expert on it but I tried to have it from top down and then shade based on that. Since the boobs would show the most, I have darkened it till waist. The rib cage shows and in top down view the upper part of abdomen isn't really highlighted. This being a girl's body.. boobs would be highlighted. I widened the waist, because yours is waaay too thin. I don't think it is possible.. other than in Ripley's Believe It or Not. 3. Cap/Hat. Although I am not saying you have made it incorrect.. I just tried to give more volume to that so it goes with the head. Head has also been shaded to bring it more in perspective. When in such perspective, the head and nose are highlighted the most. Also I tried to make the lips red so that face becomes the focal point in the sprite. |
While i agree on some of that . Being anime based light shading on the base would work best in my opinion because i have over 20 states with advance fighting stances and combat. And as for the legs looking slutty as u put lol. Anime are known for exploiting that. Thats kinda why i wanna go that way but ima improve on it.As for the light source there is but u would have to see the real base but i use very light shading. And for the hoodie i like more of the triangle look then circle but that looks pretty good. Point is for me to heavily shade by my self a base that will have over 40-60 states would kill me 8)
Byonamous wrote:
While i agree on some of that . Being anime based light shading on the base would work best in my opinion because i have over 20 states with advance fighting stances and combat. And as for the legs looking slutty as u put lol. Anime are known for exploiting that. Thats kinda why i wanna go that way but ima improve on it.As for the light source there is but u would have to see the real base but i use very light shading. And for the hoodie i like more of the triangle look then circle but that looks pretty good. Point is for me to heavily shade by my self a base that will have over 40-60 states would kill me 8) Haha, I am so sorry man. I understand. Good luck with your project man. Awaiting much sexy art like that ;) |
I like your edit, A2J, but I think it removes the "anime" style from it a little too much. While that in and of itself isn't a bad thing, I think OP wanted to leave that there. Not many people do good anime anyway, so seeing something in the art style that's a bit nicer is always welcome.