What I suggest is that there is a featured list of games displaying the best we currently have to offer. This list can either be assembled by a moderator or even by a simple vote of current active developers.
I know I am not a veteran developer here but after doing some extensive research and going through and playing most of the games, here's my suggestion of what I mean:

Basically something similar to this to highlight and expose the top 10 or 15 of BYOND's best games. I personally would set up this list as follows:
1. NEStalgia- The obvious choice for #1 is Nestalgia. This is the most successful and professional game there is here, this is what every single new developer should aspire to achieve; They simply just did everything right and single-handedly gave this engine new life as far as respect and recognition goes.
2. SS13- The game with the biggest cult following. Although the game looks horrendous it seems to have a very powerful fan base and niche.( I personally couldn't bring myself to play it for more than a couple minutes)
3. Eternia:Roleplay- Arguably the second most successful game here. It has beautiful art, a rich lore and it seems like a lot of time and effort was put into developing the RP community it has developed.
4. Teridal- From what I've seen and heard, this game is a legend here and I can clearly see why. Although it is old it has some of the most professional and extensive work put into any game on this site. The art is nice and uniformed, the interface is beautiful and the amount of content can go on forever.
5. Decadence- Beautiful artwork, one of the more professional games here and it seems to have been very popular in its days. I think if this game made use of some of the features the engine has now and with enough exposure it could really take off.
6. Spirit Age- By far the most beautiful game this site has ever produced and probably will produce for a long time. Although there isn't a lot of content in the small demo, the work that is currently in the game is very professional and more importantly it has actual industry potential. The systems in the game are smooth and well executed barring a few bugs. My biggest question is why the moderation and developers of this site didn't make a bigger effort to try and expose this game to the masses. As of right now I couldn't find this game anywhere in the front page no matter how much I scrolled down. That's just a crime... It is no wonder that it was discontinued and moved on somewhere else.
7. Manacept- I think this game is an absolute gem that not a lot of people have even heard of. It is truly one of the most enjoyable and well put together games on here; The idea is unique for a card game, the execution was done almost to perfection with a flawless deck customization, easy to learn game-play and cute and captivating artwork. With a bit more polish and exposure I honestly think this game has one of the highest potentials out of any game on this site.
8. Feval- Another game that is a legend around here. This game seems to have been ahead of its time(as far as BYOND games go). This is the sort of quick game-play and competitiveness that could really benefit from the web-client.
9,10. I have left this up for discussion since there's many that could go here. Some suggestions I would put here are games like Hazordhu(crazy amount of content), Rise Of The Pirates(again, ridiculous amount of content), Sigrogana Legend 2(probably the game with the most content), one of Yut Put's games(I can't really say since they were mostly P2P and the ones that weren't were really just sub-par with minimal content) and Feed(very smooth and professionally made) by Kumorii.
I was originally going to put this in Feature Requests but I figured this would be better discussed here to see if there's enough support. Feel free to tell me if you agree or disagree with this list or post your own top 10 list- This way we can narrow down the games that should be featured. Let's see if we can make this happen!
This is honestly dreadful to look at and could have been handled better. I apologize however because I don't have an idea for a replacement that would be better.