Welcome back once again for another episode of BYOND and Without!
Special thanks goes to Bravo1 for making sure this episode happened! Thanks go to Fugsnarf and SSX for being good sports about helping out!
You can view the show coming up in a few minutes here:
This week's guests:
Silk Wizard
And your hosts:
Yut Put
Sound tests are starting shortly! Stay posted.
Sep 11 2015, 7:31 pm
Sep 11 2015, 8:35 pm
Are there recordings of these? I wouldn't mind watching MrStoneOne's interview! :)
They'll be up shortly once yut finishes the editing. I still need to rip the audio. Unfortunately there were a lot of technical difficulties, and the first half hour went live-only.
In response to Ter13
Yes, the Internets be Angry!
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
Unfortunately there were a lot of technical difficulties, and the first half hour went live-only. Well crap, wish I could have been listening last night. Looking forward to hearing the rest of it though. Thanks, and thanks to MrStonedOne, Silk Wizard, and Kats for appearing. |
It was a lot of fun. I'd love to be on again sometime. My voice isn't as silky as Ter's, though, more like cat's raking their claws against the furniture. >.<
The audio was ripped and sent off to Yutput for editing this morning.
Unfortunately, we lost about 30 minutes of the audio due to technical issues, so the first two topics and introductions were lost. A lot of stuff went wrong during this episode due to disorganization on our part. We weren't on point with communication this week, and we'll strive to do better for the next show. Special thanks goes out to Bravo1 for making sure the show was going to happen. Without Bravo, there would have been no podcast this week. And of course, we want to extend our thanks to SilkWizard and MrStonedOne, and Kats for coming on and talking about their respective projects! This show, we tried to change up the format a bit to keep the runtime down. We hit almost exactly two hours on the dot this time, and I think I'd like to tune it down into the 90 minute range next time. From here on, we're going to try to do one controversial topic per episode, and we're going to try to do two personal topics related to the guests. Expect more format changes in the next episode. Next week's guests are going to be pulled from the people who were bumped this week in favor of our main guests coming in. Expect invitations to go out starting next weekend. As for things that need improving for the next show: 1) I need to purchase a better microphone, as my current one has some severe problems right now. 2) I need to improve my audio setup on my machine and prep bumper graphics ahead of time. 3) I need to sent out invites earlier. 4) We need a Barry. |
In response to Ter13
did you guys mention my game by any chance
Kats mentioned your game, but we don't really have any information on your game.
In response to Ter13
what did he say about it and toward the next weeks i will have more info
I believe she mentioned that it was a project named Shoot! and you were working on it. That's about all the information we have on it.
In response to Ter13
nobody else said anything
Well, we don't know anything about your project. At all.
Why don't you get some work done on your project and when you've got something cool to show, I'd be happy to plug it. The podcast isn't a big deal. It's just a conversation that a bunch of the people in the community have once every two weeks where we talk about stuff. You aren't going to get any reasonable exposure from it, and I'm not going to pretend that we're some kind of big deal. All it is is a bit of fun, and a chance for those of us here to get to know one another better as people. If you try to make it about you or think it's going to bring your developer rep up, you are missing the point, Alien. It's not about anyone in specific. It's just a chance for us as a community to talk in a moderated setting, have interesting conversations, and share various perspectives. Developer reputation doesn't matter. Development matters. |
In response to Ter13
thats what im doing and i got myself a team so we should get news by next week or the week after that
In response to Alienx26
Alienx26 wrote:
thats what im doing and i got myself a team so we should get news by next week or the week after that Great, I look forward to it. |
In response to Ter13
i appreciate it
In response to Ganite
so yours could be mentioned yeah it should