![]() Sep 2 2015, 7:05 pm
Jesus BYOND has such a rowdy pack of niggas.
If I may interject on this DBZ debate and how it could look better: Attack animations and death animations.
Seriously, it's kinda exhausting to just watch two characters stand there rigid as a board while red numbers pop up and their health appears to go down. If you're not going to animate your characters completely, why bother animating them at all? At least SS13 just says, "Yeah, we're not gonna worry about animations. Who gives a shit." and while it looks like garbage, you have to respect it for being consistent, at least. |
Now that I've seen the edit, I feel I should reply to that as well; If the 'KO' system is PVP-only, why not have a 'auto-kill' option(see the zeta source on my profile for examples, where I have a similar AI to what you have, where they choose between a ki attack and melee depending on distance, have the ability to fly and land to chase the player, but don't teleport all over- That I wrote a few years ago and consider a simple/barebones AI now), enabling it on as default for NPCs. A death animation and fade out/back in to them waking up in the other world.
When I comment on fan games, it's not because I don't like them or don't like the people making them. I suggest straying away, especially from IPs that have gotten CnDs here before, because it's not worth it in the long-run. Professionally, nothing you do there is ever going to matter past that project. I criticize these games more, because of the poor standard set for them on BYOND. I expect someone as serious about doing a fangame as you seem to at least hold yourself to a standard outside of the BYOND standard. If you're going to go through the trouble of making a fangame on BYOND, might as change the standard. EDIT: any further discussion on this should be moved to pager, please. |
there actually is attack animations realized they weren't showing at the last minute when I posted the gif >.<. Sorry bout that next time I upload a gif I'll be sure to fix that for you :)
my favourite animations revolve around blood and explosions.
Every game needs them, every game. Only thing thats stopping me from buying into severed worlds. No bloodsplosions = none of my money So thats your problem ganite, just make radits explode into a bloody mess and youll have my vote |
I agree, we need much more blood. There will be once I get around to doing more thorough damage animations.
what would be cooler is if you could than take his arm and fed it to your pets. Actually damn thats a great idea. You use dropped body part from players to feed pets. Damn im going somewhere with this.
Somebody please post some project progress so this doesn't turn into every other thread. I actually like this thread.
Library please, how you do that?
Feel like people are starting to take offense to my humor, I should probably stop posting. What exactly is this from, though? |
all ive done is remake my health bar code, its now about 4 lines long and does everything a health bar should and thanks to animate slides really smoothly instead of an instant drop. I'm also working in covering the screen in darkness sorta like this https://www.google.ca/ search?q=sprite+horror+game&biw=1252&bih=599&source=lnms&tbm =isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMIwqnkze7ZxwIVw6OICh3tqAti#imgr c=qMQ1NHUsjrZnaM%3A . Than just kinda redoing everything in my game rebuilding it to be a horror game with combat more similair to bloodborne with run elements from outlast and other horror games. Thats the dream anyway. Right now we are making the first zone.
Upcoming for Skirmish; explosion physics, more skills, and an introduction to the two playable classes!
is there perhaps bloodsplosion physics as well?
what does explosion physics even mean? Like the damage calculatoin, the art appearance? could mean many things |
Explosion physics meaning a more dynamic approach to handling explosions that effects the surroundings by blowing debris, items, players, bullets, etc. around and lighting appropriate things on fire.
I'd like to possibly make some trees be able to be blown over (and crush mobs unfortunate enough to be below). I wanted to get chopping trees down implemented first, though. I need to get some menus done, too. o: One step at a time! (; |
What in the world? Okay, color me curious now. You're taking Skirmish in a direction I did not even begin to foresee.
The explosions and trees thing though, I remember discussing that briefly with you before. So excited to hear about that! As for Hunger, no images yet, but I've started working on the basics of the HUD, I'm going more in depth with the accuracy/proficiency system to get the variance Kumorii mentioned in, and once that's all cleaned up I can start working more on the AI and the first map to try and work into a playable demo. After speaking to Kumorii I've decided to favor intelligence over quantity, so I'll be looking into quite a bit of things with the AI. For right now the HUD only has a rough draft for the rifle and a couple bars, so I'll show it in a gif after I fix up accuracy and get it all laid out. |
That screen effect is actually a lot simpler than you might think... if it's a static image. If it's animated (flickering/growing/shrinking/etc), then it's a bit more complicated.
I would tell how but I don't want to just blah it out if you've already figured it out yourself. |
From what I know it's just a plain image I overlay on top of the players screen. I was going to make other light sources open up that too. But until byond allows me to delete part of an image based on the area of another image. It probably won't be feasible
Edit: actually no even if that was possible it still would be a pain to do it multiplayer. And the way I had would probably be a waste of resources. |
I would avoid putting on the screen if you're going to be messing around with client eye at all. Make it an image attached to the mob which only displays to the one mob and you should be good to go even if you have EDGE_PERSPECTIVE or stuff like that.
Unless you know you're not including that stuff, in which case, your method should still work just fine. |