Gunslung wrote:
I don't think a particle system should be built into BYOND though since it undermines what pixel art is and BYOND games might start losing credibility. That is not true at all. What particle effects do is add character to an otherwise flat game. The only reason more older, sprite based games didn't use it was because the consoles they were running on just didn't have the power to manage it properly. Particle effects have a place in almost every game, in my opinion. There's literally not a game idea AT ALL that I can think of that wouldn't benefit from particles in some way or another, even of those particles are just rain to add atmosphere. It truly doesn't undermine the spirit of the artform and actually serves to enhance it even more. Instead of relying on big budget 3D special effects, just crack open some 2D sprites and throw some particles on it and you have something that quite honestly looks sexy as hell. Particle engines have been done in BYOND a lot, but right now they're little more than proofs of concept. The idea right now is to create an engine that will at least work for single-player games on a decent scale. This has been done several times before and done better, in fact. The only reason I started building a particle engine was because I wanted to see if I could. It's absolutely invaluable game programming practice, IMO. |
Just to be clear, I found those on Google for the sole purpose of showing Gunslung he's wrong. If it looks like Metal Slug, that's because it is.
I don't even know how to argue to this, you posted a gif that supported my point with no words what so ever and now your saying I'm wrong.
I'm not going to argue since I've seen how fruitless it all is but I stick to what I said. |
I don't think a particle system should be built into BYOND I literally just showed you an example of particle systems in a revered pixel-styled classic. I don't know what else to say. |
Are there seriously people here who haven't played any of the Metal Slug series? Shameful!
I just think it's an extremely obtuse opinion to not be open to the idea of experimentation at the risk of "destroying the foundations" of pixel oriented graphics. Your job is not to "preserve the golden days" unless that's the whole point of your game. Your job as a game developer is to provide a fun and meaningful experience to the player in whatever way you can. Particles provide ambient stimulation that keeps us engaged. Without them, games seem much more lethargic and 2-dimensional, and not good 2D.
Doohl wrote:
Are there seriously people here who haven't played any of the Metal Slug series? Shameful! Probably... I used to waste so many tokens on them at the arcade. I had Metal Slug X on PSone. |
Doohl wrote:
I think as a child I probably wasted like 20 bucks on Metal Slug 1. Metal Slug and Contra were my love affair as a child. |
I'm still not arguing but I just want to get the record straight, I said the fact your making a particle system is very cool, complex and different, I hope you remember that.
I then however said that it ultimately undermines the pixel artist and that my view is that it shouldn't be built into BYOND as too many games might overuse it. Such as every instance a ki blast hits something, every time somebody transforms, every time somebody shunpos, every time a fire jutsu is cast. I did not say the things you have put in quotation marks and Doohl's accusation that I haven't played any metal slug is the main reason I replied because I found it quite hurtful that you would attack my credibility like that when I didn't provoke it. To summarise, there is a distinction between you making it for your game and everybody just having it built in to use as untastefully as they like. |
Most modern engines have some form of particle system. BYOND not implementing one simply because it would be overused is a silly reason to not do so. In fact, it SHOULD be implemented if it would be overused. Simply because it's a feature everyone would make use of.
That's like saying locate() shouldn't be implemented because everyone uses it. EDIT: Not only that, most people use locate() without any other effects such as fading or animations. Just as distasteful. |
Gunslung wrote:
To summarise, there is a distinction between you making it for your game and everybody just having it built in to use as untastefully as they like. Because there are those who would use a feature not to your liking means that said feature should not be added? What type of logic is that? |
BYOND shouldn't implement shaders because developers might overuse them.
BYOND shouldn't implement animations and transformations because developers might overuse them. BYOND shouldn't implement if and else clauses because developers might overuse them. |
I needed a good laugh. Thanks.