In response to Mr. RJT
What game is the second screenshot from? It looks interesting.
In response to Kumorii
Kumorii wrote:
What game is the second screenshot from? It looks interesting. It is supposed to be a Zelda-like game that is darker. |
In response to Suicide Shifter
In response to Kaiochao
That's my tutorial, where'd you find it?
Went to a festival in Baltimore last weekend so I didn't get
In response to Suicide Shifter
Suicide Shifter wrote:
That's my tutorial, where'd you find it? The images you posted link back to the same website. Isn't it obvious where he found it? Obviously not your tutorial. |
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
Could be his tutorial. Let's not go all crazy now. Yeah, I suppose it could be. There just seems to be a disturbance in the force. |
I finished this up yesterday with some helpful tutelage from Ter and Lummox. Everything there is animated so it really comes to life in-game and it runs so nice and smooth :D This is a scene from this game: TranscendenceM#tab=index |
Looks amazing Exe. Makes me sad my game isn't that pretty but hey, we all have to be different and unique, right?
In response to Kumorii
@ Kumorii Yeah, I've been slowly working on the concept and story of this game for about a year now. I finally have the first couple chapters sorted out so I'll be putting in some serious work now. I'm in no rush I really enjoy working on this project so I'm excited to see what's next.
@AERProductions Thank you and don't be sad you can do whatever you want to do just work towards it. |
Looks pretty neat, but my CDO is kicking in when I see that there are 10 blue flame thingies and 9 purple ones because of that blue one in the center.
In response to Albro1
Lol I took care of that detail for ya.
In response to Lavenblade
Lavenblade wrote:
The images you posted link back to the same website. Isn't it obvious where he found it? Obviously not your tutorial. Okay? That's some air tight logic. Exentrik is that a side-scroller mix? |
In response to Suicide Shifter
There are parts that are sidescroller-esque, not exactly sidescroller but yeah I would say it has its sidescroller mixed in there.
In response to Suicide Shifter
Suicide Shifter wrote:
Lavenblade wrote:I'm sorry if I came off as rude, that was my bad. I was under the assumption you were a troll of some sorts. I'm sure you see them around here. Once again, my sincere apologies. |
The graphics are dull; they do not get me in the "camping mood."
I am leaning towards a style similar to this game: