![]() Jul 31 2015, 10:41 pm
In response to Lugia319
I was just about to post this video! Thank you! People who think all GMO's are bad are just ignorant. Also, there is no federally certified requirement for ANY FOOD to legally be able to put "organic" on its packaging. There are no laws regarding it. You can literally put "organic" on a freaking box of frozen pizza rolls and it be perfectly fine and not technically false advertising.
Glad Ter said what was said so I could keep my tongue bit.
My profession is horticultural scientist. Organic is nothing more than a usurped Chemistry term because the marketing of 'All Natural' failed miserably and didn't bring much licensing/certification $$$ to the gov't. Organic means 'contains carbon.' That's it. You show me a non-organic plant, I'll show you metal wood. |
If you ever get the chance, try some off-brand organic pop tarts. They're so much better because they actually make like a real pastry instead of the thin crust with thin stuff inside and a minute layer of frosting that real pop tarts do.
All the ones I've eaten have a super dry crust that just tastes like your eating a crusty biscuit. They were horrid.
if it's a colon cleanse you want, buy some sugar-free gummy bears.
http://www.amazon.com/Haribo-Sugar-Free-Gummy-Bears/dp/ B008JELLCA/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top?ie=UTF8 Here's an excerpt from a satisfied customer: Random Amazon User: But wait; there's more. What came out of me felt like someone tried to funnel Niagara Falls through a coffee straw. I swear my sphincters were screaming. It felt like my delicate starfish was a gaping maw projectile vomiting a torrential flood of toxic waste. 100% liquid. Flammable liquid. NAPALM. It was actually a bit humorous (for a nanosecond)as it was just beyond anything I could imagine possible. |
LABeast ate an entire 5 pound bag of them in 1 hour and 12 minutes. Fair warning, vomiting and defecation. There was actually another episode where he ate a colony of bacteria and yeast made from a batch of tea left to ferment for 2 months. |
My son will kill me if he sees this, but yeah, when he was still in diapers, he got into a bag of sugar free candy. That was by far the most disgusting day ever...
I now demand your son's contact info. We must confirm. Thankfully, I don't think he even remembers it. He was maybe two years old. |
Flick wrote:
My son will kill me if he sees this, but yeah, when he was still in diapers, he got into a bag of sugar free candy. That was by far the most disgusting day ever... Wow, you just leave bags of sugar free poison near your babbys? Such negligence, very abuser. You better be glad Nexus Child Services didn't repossess your son due to your inability to keep him out of harm's way. |
Kats wrote:
They're not bad, I promise. You learn a lot about yourself. Lol. I had to help take care of my baby niece for 2 weeks. She shat all day, cried for no reason, was uncooperative during bath time, vomited all over my chest without warning me, chewed on extension cords, and tried to gouge my eyes out with her fingers on multiple occasions. The only enjoyable moment I can remember with the little demon is when she finally shut up and fell asleep. 10/10 experience, can't wait to have an arbitrary nuisance of my own. |