Double Post, but would anybody be interested in enemy HUD displays like how party members are displayed but along the opposite side of the screen or something? If I did this, I might remove the overlays health bars, though.
How would invites work? Sorry, feel like this is going off topic and might be better suited as a private discussion(or in a topic about party systems)
You're fine! If nothing else, this is preventing me from hearing the same questions again!
Invites are actually what I'm working on now. Interacting with players(as you would anything else in the environment) will present the option to invite them to your party. The menu will probably be expanded to support different options later on in development such as PM, Duel, etc. PvP will be one of the core mechanics if Skirmish ever does get on its feet enough to support a decent playerbase. Most of the gameplay between players will encourage rival guilds to "war" with eachother for territory and supplies. |
We've been working on Aria's dungeon over the past few days. She's an ancient fire mage that you have to track down to take on the third town's boss. Her dungeon has some pretty neat monsters and traps with three floors/levels.
![]() ![]() ![]() |
OMG, you totally ripped off Zelda by having hands that grab you! *throws ten post tantrum about originality*
And yeah, I'll be buying into Severed when she drops. |
Ter13 wrote:
OMG, you totally ripped off Zelda by having hands that grab you! *throws ten post tantrum about originality* If you look at the fairy and don't see Navi I don't know what to tell you. |
Most depictions of Navi have her with blue hair. But this was N64 era graphics so we're lucky we got the sparkle particles if you ask me.
Nitpickyness: Could you add the tip of the thumb as a separate underlay so that it appears behind the player?
![]() Pay close attention to the portrait. We'll also darken the stone pillars so they're consistent with the floor/wall. |
I'm wondering how you/Doohl are getting the webclient to seemingly run so smoothly though; how's the game performance wise?
When the webclient first came out, I'll be honest, performance was absolutely horrendous. But patch after patch, things got better. To the point where there's not an enormous difference in performance between DS and the webclient.
Currently the webclient runs pretty damn smooth. Not as smooth as DS, but DSification might make it work a little better hopefully. Unfortunately, though, Chance / Pixel Realms' account holder gets some awful client-side performance issues when there's a lot of atoms on-screen. |
DSification has definitely improved webclient performance. My current tests (with it mostly completed) show the server should be performing pretty much on par with a regular DD-to-DS connection on the server side. The client I think needs to do more to cull out-of-bounds icons, which is on my to-do list.
Handling drawing yourself can grant many benefits through WebGL. Unfortunately, I have found that trying to interface it through DM makes it flicker. So, doing any kind of rendering through JavaScript is more efficient than trying to interface DM with the same functions (and actually call them from DM). Doing it the JavaScript way does not suffer from any flickering (look at the "WebGL Demo" - ).
Of course, I've been experimenting with the WebGL Support Library I'm currently working on. I was hoping to interface it some more, but that didn't quite cut it. |
You can leave a party whenever you want - even if you're the founder. Leaving a party will only remove yourself. All other party members will stay in the party together. Nobody has any special control or 'founders rights' of a party. Goes without saying that parties are only tracked during a single gameplay. If you disconnect you are kicked from any party you may be in.
I may end up scraping what I have of guilds so far and making them an extension of parties so that they'd save and stuff but that would be awkward for any guild members who might want to go questing with a separate guild's player(s). Still figuring that out but for now things are moving along nicely. (: