this junk is like 7 hours old why is it still going .....
@Lugia: You've been proven wrong like 5+ times I think this convo is pointless at this point. Im sure people are just humoring you due to boredom.
In response to Lugia319
Lugia319 wrote:
Ter13 wrote: You're not "beating" anyone into "submission", shut up lol. |
In response to 5ratsuperhalo
5ratsuperhalo wrote:
this junk is like 7 hours old why is it still going ..... I haven't been proven wrong once. The only comment of any value is Ter13's comment about bounding boxes but that's not really a problem since there is a workaround (and for once I'm not talking about using a different IDE but that's probably the better workaround). On top of that I already addressed how the "initial wow-factor" is wrong as well. So really the bounding box is the only concern, which has a work around. The more you talk to me, the stronger I become. Please, keep responding. |
Less than three weeks ago, you flipped out on Zecronious, claiming it was invalid to call you out for not making games based on your history. If it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander.
I'm explaining to you that if you want to help people: TEACH. Don't just insult them. I'm not calling you out for your history of making games. I'm explaining that you haven't demonstrated even the slightest understanding of what you are talking about, yet you are willing to rant about what everyone else is doing. People don't tend to agree with me because of who I am. I demonstrated an understanding of the abstract concepts of game design and theory. I did it for years, and I demonstrated a passion for teaching abstract programming concepts. I really wish you'd take a look at what you are saying from arm's reach and see how destructive it is, Lugia. It's painful to watch a fellow person interested in a subject I'm passionate about struggle so clearly with ennui and frustration like you are. You aren't growing. You aren't developing skills. You are degrading and damaging the community you claim to be trying to improve. Please, try to do better. I'm not making fun of you at this point. I'm trying to beat it into your head that what you are doing is harmful to you and everyone around you. You've said repeatedly that your criticism shouldn't be taken as insults, but you just plain resort to insults any time criticism of what you have to say is leveled. Please stop. Use your reason. You'll see that what I'm saying is on point if you can just drop your ego for a half second and realize that how you are acting is actively damaging. |
I would of blocked lugia the second he was on his, "its good enough" rant as if art can't be improved with updates the people with lugia mindset are the people who'll redo something over and over again until a year or two passed by with out realising it and they still dont have enough to even make an open test.
Good enough is better than nothing at all I know a few people that thought they were above place holders now those same people got no game no artist and art I created 3yrs ago. Nothing has to be perfect this is byond afterall if you don't plan on making a mobile version this community where all the games are of subpar quality anything playable and fun is good enough... Hell do all these other dbz games even have a snake way that isn't ripped? Also, according to law anything u create and can prove u created is copyrighted unless you've received payment for the art no one can rip it and u can sue them for using ur property with out ur permission. People usually don't bother spending their time sueing which is probably why byond is rip city. |
The more you're talked to the dumber you become. Dude all this over snakeway. How bout you show us a screenshot of that snakeway you could "Do in an Hour"? Until I see that you shouldnt even talk anymore on this thread.
In response to Ter13
So let me get this straight.
Less than three weeks ago, you flipped out on Zecronious, claiming it was invalid to call you out for not making games based on your history Then you go around and say Your advice is invalid because you don't make games. So you're saying what Zecro said, and my stance is still the same, except in your case I'm calling you out for being a hypocrite as well as the rest of the stuff. I'm not here to grow skills, I'm here to fix your skills. I've listed several AAA examples that we can all learn from (and some Buddhism) but I still have plenty more to go. Please, try to do better. I'm not making fun of you at this point. I'm trying to beat it into your head that what you are doing is harmful to you and everyone around you. Hard for me to do better when I'm already perfect. |
In response to Southv2
See there's the problem with copyright law. It carries no weight unless you have the power to enforce it. And as a poor graduate student, I don't have the funds to hire lawyers and take people to court. Plus this would all take several months to go through. And even when it did, there's no way I'd get money out of it because the game isn't going to be making any money. Ain't nobody got time fo dat. So just give me the $700 and I can make your game 10x better and we can all be happier.
@Upd4t3 If you pagerban him, you can't see his posts and he can't post here anymore.
Best to get rid of him at this point. He's not responsible enough to carry a conversation with another human being. Best to just isolate him further from the community. Almost everyone here has him pagerbanned because the moderators haven't done anything about him. Despite the fact that he should have been permabanned LONG ago, he continues to go on about how nazi the moderators are, when in fact his very being here only serves to prove how tolerant the moderation is. It's just sad at this point. |
I didn't know you could pager ban, or I would've earlier (but I also wanted to see some voices of reason step in and see how that spilled over so I'm definitely guilty for baiting/fueling).
In response to Lugia319
Lugia319 wrote:
See there's the problem with copyright law. It carries no weight unless you have the power to enforce it. And as a poor graduate student, I don't have the funds to hire lawyers and take people to court. Plus this would all take several months to go through. And even when it did, there's no way I'd get money out of it because the game isn't going to be making any money. Ain't nobody got time fo dat. So just give me the $700 and I can make your game 10x better and we can all be happier. I got the time for that but ur a broke student with 0art experience attempting to give art advice an thinking u deserve paid work lol u better enjoy a hotpocket and sit down. |
People learn all at their own paces. It doesn't help to force advice on someone who doesn't have any intent to absorb the information. Some might call it naivity, but people already operate on a set of ground rules they cherish. If someone else comes along and tells them everything they do is wrong, how can one even begin to believe it?
There's literally an infinite number of ways to accomplish a task. There's always more than one right way. From what I have learned from studying programming, a lot of people have different ways of accomplishing their tasks, with myself included. If you wish for someone to listen, keep the conversation positive, and don't be assertive about your suggestions. People will take what they get from that input and reinforce it to their own ways of life, or not. Either way, it's best to only give advice when it is asked for. |
Here's a proof of concept I drew up (took a few minutes):
(This is a screenshot of it in the map editor, not sure why there's white but I guess it helps to show the tiling) I think a Snake Way involving diagonal paths would be even slightly better than one that only has 90 degree turns. It even fits the perspective better, which is what you should want. |
In response to Kaiochao
Kaiochao wrote:
Here's a proof of concept I drew up (took a few minutes): I agree it'd look better, and if Ganite would like me to make those paths, I would. I just don't want this to happen... I don't know how to embed YouTube videos. |
In response to UPD4T3
If people try to run straight through a curved path, I think that would be their fault. However, there are ways for the game to respond to such events (these are called "game mechanics"):
* When a player steps off of Snake Way, send them to HFIL, or back to the start of Snake Way, or just damage them. Next time, they'll be more careful. * Or, when a player attempts to move into the diagonal part, move the player diagonally with it instead. Basically, someone running straight through should end up automatically following the path until it takes a turn. When you diverge from the reference material, even a little, you risk making your game a bit more detailed. This isn't always a bad thing. |
Oh? So let me see your extensive game history. I'm sure you have something decent... oh wait... you... don't. Huh, talk about a pot calling a kettle black.
You can't say my advice isn't worth anything because I don't have games when you have none as well
EDIT: As a side note, your happiness, and the happiness of others is none of my concern. It's not my job to make you happy. It's my job to make your games good. So I will continue to beat them into submission until every one of you ducks fall into line.