![]() Jul 31 2015, 5:15 pm
I live in Ontario! Although I'm guessing you visited northern Ontario, considering southern is urban areas. I love to go camping/fishing up north, except I only have one DISTANT relative that has a cabin, it's cool that you got to stay in a cabin (despite weather). Also, I wana see those pictures when you get em!
your in Canada mate, use Celsius dammit. Oh I hate the Americana measurements. Like I have to use inches for work all the time and im used to it. But damn does the metric system make way more sense. like it goes by 10's instead of whatever the hell it wants like the imperial
I also like celsuis as zero is the freezing point of water so it also makes more sense. anything south of it is cold. Anything north of it is hot
Celsius is a terrible, terrible scale for weather. As are many other metric scales when thrown into everyday situations rather than scientific ones. Length: meters are too long for much of anything but land, centimeters are too short for many uses, and decimeters are unwieldy. (Something in the foot to cubit range is really ideal to have, but metric has nothing of the sort.) Baking measures: don't get me started. And time, incidentally, is almost never handled with the metric system, because even in science there are limits to what makes sense.
But Celsius may be the worst offender of all. Like all metric scales it has scientific merit (except the ones for bytes, because whoever tried to force metric onto bytes should be flogged). For weather though: rubbish. The granularity of the scale is poor, and the tens fall at bad spots. Fahrenheit was intended to be based on human body temperature, and while it failed at that, it does have much nicer granularity and the tens (especially 70°) fall at great places. |
Still better than Kelvin.
1/273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water? WHY? |
theres another scale that starts at absolute zero. or maybe that was kelvin. Yea it was
im not really aware of metric time. I thought we all used 1 system for that. But in terms of math and science yea metric. In terms of real life application we'd all say imperial but thats just cause we are used to it. I deal with lumber all day so im always measuring wood. I'd say it would be weird to all of a sudden go to metric but thats only a psychological factor, id eventually get used to it.
weather is actually nice. 0 is perfect. 10 is just right. -10 is just a bit chilley. 20 is getting at my thereshhold for standable heat. -20 is where im comfortable to go in the snow with just a hoodie. 30 i dont want to go outside. -30 just perfect! -50 or even -40 is about when it reaches to be too cold. or -58 in F |
i dont like the sun, or the heat. Though ive talked to some people from the states online and apparently 65 is chiley. When i consider that my threshold for hottest temperature before it becomes a nusance.
A lot of places in canada dont come with Ac either as its a waste of money. We maybe need it 2-4 months of the year. Though with global warming eventually usa wil become a dessert and canada will have tropical climates in theory. I've certainly noticed a difference. Not as much snow falls as when i was a kid. Winters are shorter |
Doohl wrote:
Imagine attempting to use Kelvin to describe the outside weather. Makes me think about certain Mechwarrior games (such as Mechwarrior 2: 31st Century Combat) where it would give temperatures in Kelvin upon starting certain missions. :P |
Points to Doohl for bringing PBF into it.
DanteVFenris wrote: weather is actually nice. 0 is perfect. 10 is just right. -10 is just a bit chilley. 20 is getting at my thereshhold for standable heat. -20 is where im comfortable to go in the snow with just a hoodie. 30 i dont want to go outside. -30 just perfect! Are you in fact a fir tree? |