![]() Jul 29 2015, 8:38 pm
In response to Ganite
nice! what game is that
Shoots looking good @Alien! You should really look into getting rid of Stat panels though.
thanks and im looking for coders so anyone wana help just pm me and its not cause im bad at coding but i wanna make progress faster
Speaking as a moderator.
Comments in this thread were deleted because they were basically arguments about whether or not replies to Within threads can be made about fangames, and something about fangames being good or bad for BYOND, etc. you've probably seen the exact same discussion elsewhere. I didn't delete the posts, but I can guess at some possible reasons why they were deleted:
If you have any more complaints, feel free to not post them here. Stay on topic. |
If I had any idea or clue as to who moderated my post or a feasible way to contact a.collective, without posting back here, I would've. I apologize, but in my original request for a response(from the moderator responsible) included a 'feel free to page me and delete the comment'.
That leads to this; outside of using the contact email for BYOND, how would we be expected to ask about our moderator's actions? Or should we email support, effectively causing a huge hassle for a mere question? [EDIT] I would have pages you about it, but I thought the information would be more useful to a wider audience, but feel free to answer on a personal level and delete this and my previous posts, should you deem fit. |
Your post was just part of a larger set of trimming off a needless discussion that was heavily derailing the topic.
To get the thread back on topic I guess:
http://puu.sh/jiwU4/1c4413248d.webm I put glowsticks in their blood. Bear with me as I figure out how to encode webms with ffmpeg at a smooth framerate. |
That looks sexy as dick, but somehow I feel like the character's movement is a little too floaty. Too little inertia / drag?
Doohl wrote:
That looks sexy as dick, but somehow I feel like the character's movement is a little too floaty. Too little inertia / drag? It could be that his running acceleration is too low. His acceleration takes roughly 3 frames (or 0.1 seconds) to accelerate to his maximum running speed (about 140 pixels per second) from standstill. There is a drag force that's being applied, when key input is released or an action is being performed. You can see it when he stops moving as he swings his sword. Changing directions right now does feel a little floaty. The way he changes directions is he first accelerates in the direction of the movement input, and then his velocity's magnitude is clamped to the maximum running speed. So over time his velocity's direction gradually approaches the direction of the movement input. I'll try increasing the acceleration, since it is kind of low. It could also be that the webm's framerate is roughly 60% of the actual game's framerate :( |