![]() Jul 29 2015, 3:04 am
![]() Jul 29 2015, 3:05 am
You mean BYOND is the feminazi sector of tumblr of the gaming community.
[Triggering intensifies]
Uh oh... Joined today. Already throwing gasoline on the drama fire. Is it possible that this is a user that hasn't been permabanned multiple times before? Let's put on our detective hats and point fingers at whoever we suspect created this account until it starts a massive fight and everyone denies it. |
Ter13 wrote:
[Triggering intensifies] Go to any dbz game or any random game on the hub and you will see that they use "they" instead of pronouns like him and her so not to offend anyone.Byond IS the tumblr of the gaming community |
It's just more proper to use gender-neutral pronouns when you don't know the sex of the target.
Speaking as a demi-sexual trans-werehorse robot ally, If BYOND pre-dates Tumblr, is not Tumblr the BYOND of the blogging community?
...I get a perverse satisfaction of hearing trolls talk at people... Go to any dbz game go to icon ultima I think I found yer problem. |
Honestly, the use of "they" and "their" are to avoid inconsistencies when "his/her" could be improper. I remember trying the text macros for /his and such, but being unable to get them to work. Pretty sure I was 14/15 at the time and had no idea what I was doing anyway.
I think OP is confused. Dragonball is inherently feminist literature. And Akira Toriyama has taken a hammer to the PATRIARCHY at the behest of the superior female species.
How could he have possibly missed these facts? Let's examine more in-depth. 1) The Saiyans are literally Nazis. Every single Saiyan is a power-hungry, blood-thirsty, WHITE nazi. They exterminate any race they find inferior and worship money and power. Constantly obsessed with their own racial purity and superiority they subject children to tests from birth to measure their worthiness as part of the elite SS-like fighting force of the Planet Trade Organization. Look at that acronym. Planet Trade Organiza(rchy). Coincidence? I think not. But it goes deeper. Let's carry on. 2) Frieza represents white power. When he is at full power, he's white. White. Power. White power. How could you have possibly missed this? Just look at this: ![]() Still don't see it? Let's enhance the image and look again: ![]() Okay, you still don't see it? What happened to Germany after World War II? It was divided in half. What happened to Frieza after his bid for domination of the planet Namek? He was cut in half. ![]() 3) The Nameks lay eggs. They are all female. Their society was a peaceful agrarian society until the evil white male nazi capitalist PATRIARCHY came and literally raped their perfect feminist utopia. 4) Balls. The balls summon a giant phallic dragon. Every evil person in the series was a male with a severe case of penis envy. They believed that having this phallic symbol would grant them the power to dominate the world. Only our feminist protagonist, Goku was able to understand that the purpose of the penis is not to oppress and rape, but to give life and hope under the guidance of strong feminist symbols. The only good phallus is a phallus under the strict guidance of feminist goals. Need I mention that these balls and phallic dragons were all created by feminist woman namekians? 5) Big is good. Skinny is evil. Good: ![]() Evil: ![]() Thin privilege is murdering the universe. I think I've made my point. |
Lugia319 wrote:
It's just more proper to use gender-neutral pronouns when you don't know the sex of the target. NNAAAAHH wrote: Honestly, the use of "they" and "their" are to avoid inconsistencies when "his/her" could be improper. I remember trying the text macros for /his and such, but being unable to get them to work. Pretty sure I was 14/15 at the time and had no idea what I was doing anyway. That's the type of shit sjws say |