the last sentence was there, lol. that's not something recent.
wow ter, such a bad moderter, didnt even know ur own guylines you were suposed to enforcing. no wonder u were called "bias mod"
How long ago did it get added? Because it was definitely not there when I was a mod.
Ter13 wrote:
How long ago did it get added? Because it was definitely not there when I was a mod. That was there when the changes to the forum first happened, like when blogs were removed and everything migrated to the forums. |
That was there when the changes to the forum first happened, like when blogs were removed and everything migrated to the forums. TFW a former mod doesn't know the posting guidelines. I never claimed to be qualified, though, so there's that. |
Stolen art should get someone's game on a invisible list until the stolen content is removed... Ripping an art stealing isn't even looked down upon in the so so byond community.
Sidenote family guys main characters only blink 10times or less each a entire episode |
Do you really think anyone on this website has the time, energy or commitment to monitor all the art here and make sure nothing is being copied?
I can imagine it, spending a whole day talking to 10 year olds about how Brad stole all my art for my DBZ game boo hoo. |
Well since Tom has stepped down, I'd imagine he has free time now. So Lummox should hire him back full time and appoint him as the chief of BYOND's ARETU: Anti Ripper Elite Tactical Unit.
Their job is to spend 80 hours a week ( with no overtime pay ) hunting down BYOND's most infamous ripperonis and shutting them down one by one. If we can't afford to hire a fully staffed ARETU, just put it on Kickstarter, I'm sure we'll generate millions for this cause.* * millions of lint |
Kats wrote:
The only question I have is why this thread isn't about horses yet? I don't think the OP is into horses...yet. |
Zecronious wrote:
Do you really think anyone on this website has the time, energy or commitment to monitor all the art here and make sure nothing is being copied? Thats why there should be a I dunno report button where u report a game with stolen art and post the evidence within the same post an i dunno get a case opened Byond doin nothing about theft sort of makes creating original games an content for the site/platform pointless rips are ofcourse fair game since most of them were released to the public... Except goa. Spoting out stolen art is easy for artist I just dont wanna see my stuff in Zagros game... Shots fired where the emojis |
Such a report button would be ineffective in BYOND. The fact of the matter is that there's a lot of ripped content floating around, and trying to trace it to its source would be too much effort with no payout. If you own content and it's being used in another game, sue them. Until BYOND members get serious about protecting their creations, BYOND the website cannot get serious about rips.
It would be nothing but shitposting and flametrolling all day. As a game developer, just take with an iota of fact that your artwork is probably going to be stolen at some point. Don't cry about it, do something. If it means that much to you, copyright your work and file a C&D on them if it's that important. The BYOND staff and community, quite frankly, doesn't give a shit about stolen source or art anymore. It's such a rampant problem that you should just go ahead and figure it out for yourself. There are other channels you can use to solve the issue. Period.
BYOND have no means of or duty to enforce copyright law. That's a matter for courts, not website moderators and software developers.
Or like me make your art so bad no one wants to copy it.... Yes that's exactly what I did...
Kats wrote:
It would be nothing but shitposting and flametrolling all day. But we do that already so I don't see what the issue is. |
Ter13 wrote:
BYOND have no means of or duty to enforce copyright law. That's a matter for courts, not website moderators and software developers. Ter, the only thing necessary for the triumph of rippers is for good Lummox to do nothing. |
Let's be real here, rips is the only way beyond is surviving right now. That is until my game starts to bring in 10 million yearly
Ter13 wrote:
BYOND have no means of or duty to enforce copyright law. That's a matter for courts, not website moderators and software developers. Wasn't it Tom that told galaxy he couldn't host his naruto game here an wasnt it byond Who was contacted to take dbz off their website an not the developers? If Thats accurate it might be their duty... Just might. Also, wouldnt ensuring developers if their property gets stolen byond staff wont allow 500rips to follow after be encouraging more people to create original content ? Sounds better than sending byond a c&d then suing byond |
Haven't finished reading but I like the part about API.
Use it how you will.