icon_size = 32
fps = 25
#define MOVE_SLIDE 1
#define MOVE_JUMP 2
#define TILE_WIDTH 32
#define TILE_HEIGHT 32
#define TICK_LAG 0.4 //set to (10 / world.fps) a define is faster, though
appearance_flags = LONG_GLIDE //make diagonal and horizontal moves take the same amount of time
move_delay = 0 //how long between self movements this movable should be forced to wait.
next_move = 0 //the world.time value of the next allowed self movement
last_move = 0 //the world.time value of the last self movement
move_dir = 0 //the direction of the current/last movement
move_flags = 0 //the type of the current/last movement
var/time = world.time
return 0
if(!NewLoc) //if the new location is null, treat this as a failed slide and an edge bump.
move_dir = Dir
move_flags = MOVE_SLIDE
else if(isturf(loc)&&isturf(NewLoc)) //if this is a movement between two turfs
var/dx = NewLoc.x - x //get the distance delta
var/dy = NewLoc.y - y
if(z==NewLoc.z&&abs(dx)<=1&&abs(dy)<=1) //if only moving one tile on the same layer, mark the current move as a slide and figure out the move_dir
move_dir = 0
move_flags = MOVE_SLIDE
if(dx>0) move_dir |= EAST
else if(dx<0) move_dir |= WEST
if(dy>0) move_dir |= NORTH
else if(dy<0) move_dir |= SOUTH
else //jumping between z levels or more than one tile is a jump with no move_dir
move_dir = 0
move_flags = MOVE_JUMP
else //moving into or out of a null location or another atom other than a turf is a teleport with no move_dir
move_dir = 0
move_flags = MOVE_TELEPORT
glide_size = TILE_WIDTH / max(move_delay,TICK_LAG) * TICK_LAG //set the glide size
. = ..() //perform the movement
last_move = time //set the last movement time
next_move = time+move_delay
For best results, avoid moving the player where possible while they are gliding, otherwise their glide will jump instantly to the finished position.
This should, in almost all cases, fix the jumpiness experienced in tile-based BYOND games. Higher FPS values will of course result in smoother movement. Faster movement will be a bit more chunky than slower movement, but overall, it will be better than simply not accounting for it at all.
If you use walk()/step(), make sure to set the move_delay of the movable just before you call the walk()/step(), otherwise, you can wind up with some ugly jumps.
And here's a poorly recorded image of it in action: The top character is using the default glide_size, and the bottom is using a delay of 8 * TICK_LAG.