This release fixes many issues. Unfortunately, I was unable to reproduce the bug that causes the game to randomly crash and the one that stops the weapon in hand from working. If anyone can reproduce these problems, please do tell!
* Text appears when you hover over Loot or a player.
* There were several null.screen runtime errors.
* Local/World Say was displaying twice when 2+ players were online.
* Player's hair would remain showing after equipping a hat from the backpack.
* Weapon Name/Clip was not updating after entering the backpack.
* Reloading would remove ALL magazines.
* Zombies would stop attacking you when you passed out (angle issue)
* When you died, the death sound (heartbeat) would play to players nearby.
* Fixed some 3D Sound volume levels.
* When player logs out and back in, you could no play.
* HUD: Weapon Name/Clip is now centered.
* HUD: Creation arrows has a bigger clicking area.
* The distance in which you can pick up a weapon changed from 10 to 16.
* Each weapon's 'Melee Range' has been increased by 0.3.
* You can now bump into a Zombie/Player to push them.
NOTE: I was unable to add full screen in this update.
proc name: New (/icon/New)
usr: Maximus_Alex2003 (/mob/login_mob)
src: /icon (/icon)
call stack:
/icon (/icon): New('Sounds/RiseLogo.ogg', "/hud_interface/race", null, null, null)
Maximus_Alex2003 (/mob/login_mob): title screen()
Maximus_Alex2003 (/mob/login_mob): Login()
runtime error: list index out of bounds
proc name: title screen (/mob/login_mob/proc/title_screen)
source file:,92
usr: Maximus_Alex2003 (/mob/login_mob)
src: Maximus_Alex2003 (/mob/login_mob)
call stack:
Maximus_Alex2003 (/mob/login_mob): title screen()
Maximus_Alex2003 (/mob/login_mob): Login()
The fullscreen command does not work. The login menu does not show. The game cannot be progressed further than seeing "Dead" and a bunch of houses in the left-hand corner.
It's easy to add fullscreen to the game. Just anchor the map Anchor#1 Top-Left and Anchor#2 Bottom-Right.