![]() Jul 4 2015, 12:11 pm
Maybe if we flood the site with terrible rips, people will realize how bad they are... Wait... Shit...
Maybe if we make enough through illegal donations/subs, we could pay for actual improvements! Oh.. Wait..
I thought we were saying things we don't actively do ourselves. Darn.
Seriously, though, first person that wants to pay my bills so I can actively develop is welcome to tell me when, where, and what to develop. Twelve hour shifts and time with the wife makes it hard to find time to develop. |
well we have a few good looking titles. I know you yut put had a quality game I tried out. Severed worlds and skirmish look great as well
We have a few more as well but if it's not anime no one gives it the time of day
You see it across the board with developers here. A lot of it is people who have time to do something, try to do it, but fail at one of the key aspects of development(I'm not iconners, need coderz to halp.). The issue there is that they can't afford to hire help, so they beg for charity and get nothing(of quality, at least).
Then there are those that just come around to complain about anything and everything, whilst contributing nothing. |
thats why there something called a respec scroll in my game..if they fuck up the value they want to put in a specific stat they can respec it and do it again, honestly i dont like the multiple click method so this way i give them freedom.
Respect in a mmo is a common sense thing to put in. Or else if you made a poor character you couldn't be competitive. In a single player game it doesn't matter you ussually crush anything with anything.
too be fair the respec isnt easily obtained s o you actually have to put some work in but you know its there for i guess reasons
Respec is always an iffy matter. You want to punish the player for not building their character proper, but not to where the game is unplayable. It's common in many MMOs, so to keep players who want to swap "roles" without sinking 100+ hours to get to where they were.
You want to punish the player for not building their character proper Why? If there's a correct way to build a character, why let them do it wrong at all? Games are supposed to be about letting the player have fun. Seems to me that a bad spec is just one that isn't fun. Punishing the player isn't a way that I'd like to look at it. Instead, I think I'd prefer to think of it as trying to make the viable builds as fun as possible while also adapting what players seem to have the most fun doing into viable builds as well. Forcing the player to play like you imagine it being played isn't making a game. It's running an anthill. |
considering this is a naruto game i`d be retarted to reward a ninjutsu user a tai build, there a reason why each individual clan has there strenghts and weaknesses its not my fault they pick say a class that is mostly deprived of long range attacks and expect me to allow them to be able to not be peanlized for going taijutsu, want a taijutsu based class pick one that benefits from it simple as that.
I mean, if you go halfway through the game building a mage and decide you want a rogue, you're going to have trouble performing rogue-based task/combat.
You don't want to make it so there's any set way of building a character, ever. Having two classes in your build will obviously make both weaker than having a focused build. |
That... Actually is your fault. Why make something available if making that choice only hurts the player?
You don't want to make it so there's any set way of building a character, ever. Having two classes in your build will obviously make both weaker than having a focused build. That's indicative of a problem with the design. If focused builds are the only viable choice, why allow cross-classing at all? Cross-spec stuff should be designed so that it gives the player versatility that's useful, not just making them weaker arbitrarily. |
they have a choice via gudies and info, they should read said info and gauge which class fits them the best, hell there are some classes that dont suffer from investing in more then one stat (a good number actually).
I actually have no clue what a taijutsu is. I thought we were talking about skills/talents, not stat points.
Wat? |
sorry ill use more eaiser terms
strength magic range if you pick one of these classes and then half way decide "oh i wanna go magic over strength" i dont see why you should benefit from switching espically when half way towards your build you`ve mostley invested in magic at the very least if you decided to go strenght you shouldnt be able to fully utilize the class. |
if you pick one of these classes and then half way decide "oh i wanna go magic over strength" i dont see why you should benefit from switching espically when half way towards your build you`ve mostley invested in magic at the very least if you decided to go strenght you shouldnt be able to fully utilize the class. I dunno, I subscribe to a different ideology than you on the subject. It doesn't really sound like you are giving the player much in the way of options for how to build their character. It sounds like you are giving the player the option to shoot themselves in the foot, but not really giving them the option to actually do much in the way of customization. It sounds indicative of problematic design. Customization without the benefits of a custom playstyle is worse than no customization at all. |