by Mav472
Stay Based, join the discord: https://discord.gg/TnfNcWt8FH
Base i dont even play rikudo just unban me
Forum ban for spam reasons. Also, post deleted. lol.
I need to get based. Host this s**t, mate.
Blazing heat needs to get BASED!!
blazing heat aint gonna get BASED for a while
This game has the most content.....
let taco about burritos !!!!
been trying to play this game for a while now

The best game for ever , the problem is that the server always is desactive and the Admin never make events.
In response to Gaara9999
/a kind of foreign administrator/I do not know much about the server. Capture the Flag (no one wants to do this), Chuunin exam (sometimes broken,I have not the verb to give scroll...so every time the chuunin tournament can not start).... These are the only events .... That I can organize ..all vs all (only the owner can activate this event).. then, i can not organize anything if there are only 4 players .... the players just want a prize and become the best, the problem is not the game, but the minds of players,their only goal is to become the best and once the player has become the strongest of them all ..... he gets bored and stop playing... if you have any suggestions or idea you are free to write.
people are going to steal your shit if you post that lol
In response to Mav472
maybe you're right, I do not want them to steal my beautiful brown shit! time to do a repulisti.
Mem but you can create ffa for bijuu , ffa for chunin or ffa for Kage but the admin never is online , he never start events.I'd like to be an administrator to run for, if administrator would most events and to bijuu etc.
In response to Gaara9999
you can say what you want ..... byond is a democracy (but you showed your true nature, you just want to gain power:) ....... simply
relax and watch this

I'm looking for a iconner
better than me
for da game Naruto BASED
The game itself wasn't too bad, few negative things to point out :-

When playing slot machines, winning rolls do not reward you

some of the jutsus do not tell you the requirements needed to gain them in the skill tree

The owner of the game is a bit of an asshole as i told him i'd be writing a negative review after informing him of the above issues, after which he said "can't fix what isn't broke" and then proceeded to ban me.

If the above issues were to be solved and the owner maybe grew up a little bit the game could be one of the best out there but at the moment can't see that happening.
In response to Dorag7585
wow big words XD ,mav will reply?
does any1 know why Diyermo is banned the REAL reason not some made up story pls
In response to Dorag7585
you can't see that happening.....because you are banned XD hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha
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