Didn't mean any snarkiness, but what exactly were you getting at with your comparison? You seem to be implying that we're either ripping off a game or stealing their mechanics.
Didn't mean any snarkiness, but what exactly were you getting at with your comparison? You seem to be implying that we're either ripping off a game or stealing their mechanics. I wouldn't worry about responding to those kind of accusations. Gamers get this idea in their head that there's such a thing as a new, wholly uninspired, non-derivative concept. It's quite silly. |
Severed World reminds me of Secret of Grindea( http://www.secretsofgrindea.com )
http://i.ytimg.com/vi/7P6RgqQlIX8/maxresdefault.jpg http://i60.tinypic.com/2hz1hrd.png But Im intrested in this game could last long awhile, loving the sneakpeaks keep up the good work. |
One of our major inspirations has been Secrets of Grindea, along with Secret of Mana and the olden Legend of Zelda titles.
We've actually shared our work with Teddy, one of the devs of Grindea. |
Pride Ravanok wrote:
Holey Shit Satan's perky red nipples Secret of Grindea looks fucking amazing. Right, and it started off 2011. but sadly it worked by small group of people. The game is fucking cool. To bad that its like 10%/25% finished. Would love to know more of the story. Brings that Zelda nostalgia to me. Hopefully Severed World does too. But hey Arcade mode on it all it matters till Story mode is finished. Doohl wrote: One of our major inspirations has been Secrets of Grindea, along with Secret of Mana and the olden Legend of Zelda titles. Ah, That pretty cool to hear about that. |
DarkNinjaNaut wrote:
Severed World reminds me of Secret of Grindea( http://www.secretsofgrindea.com ) Which also happens to look a lot like Ragnarok. :P |
If one more person from BYOND will make the pledge for the "Quest Line" reward and show me, I'll also upgrade my pledge to the "Quest Line" reward tier. We need to make a push for at least £10,000 to fund it!
Thanks for the support, Magicmann, but it's not likely we'll hit the goal at this point. Our pledges from external backers (BYOND, Eternia, social media) fall short at about $5k, so we need to make around $10k from Kickstarter itself. We're not getting enough exposure within the website to make that happen, and I think our pitch itself makes the average user wary given Kickstarter devs release track record and the difficulty of developing MMOs.
Our current plan is to continue developing the game daily and work our way towards a second campaign with a public demo and an improved trailer. I imagine this'll also encourage more of our social media followers to pledge if there's a lively open beta, as well as secure more backers from within kickstarter. If it still doesn't meet its goal the second time, that's okay. We'll manage. It'd definitely help a lot since we want to include as much content as possible in our release, but I'm sure we can release a fun, successful game with the remaining funds nonetheless. :) We were also contacted by the Humble Bundle team last night, so you may be seeing Severed World included in a future sale! |
Well as an interested party, is there anything I can do (besides social media) that I can do to help support the game?
When we finish up the website, we're going to have a pre-order page and dev blog set up. Pre-ordering the game would certainly help us out and be appreciated.
Expect that in the next few weeks. We'd have it ready sooner if we weren't having as much fun as we are working on the game. :P Thanks again! |
There were a number of improvements suggested in our thread that we've yet to apply but plan to: http://www.byond.com/forum/?post=1854202#comment15145357 We'll also have buttons drawn in pixel art for the links at the top and center it. |
That's actually a fairly sexy site, minus the fact that the forum is both:
PHPbband Not integrated with the site If the forum were myBB, I would offer to try my hands at making a theme that matches the site for you. |
Clearly, what you should do is set up for the forum with DMCGI, so you just use your BYOND key to log into phpBB.
What's wrong with phpBB? I always used it back when I was managing forums, and I briefly tried a few others. It seemed easiest at the time, though I was less familiar with things then.
Also. That site does seem to be coming along pretty nicely. I'm curious how exactly the background was done. A quick glance makes me think it is actually two or three images instead of one, but that's the first time I've seen a background like that. |
So... Uhm... theres this game called cross-code... recently indie gogo'd and greenlit...
what is this?
What are you guys doing...?