Response: ?
Response: ? |
Response: Do you want to get kicked off the tester list? |
I dont think I need to introduce myself since my name is not important, my key is. Im going to get right to the point, I love testing side scroller fighting games and making them reach there full potential.
I see very great potential in this game. You probaly have alot of people wanting to test so you have to be asking,"Why choose MegaMonkeyMaster"? Well it's obvious. Im on 24/7 i have a keen eye to finding bugs and i know how to act like a civilized teenager. The reason i should be allowed to test is; I can pretty much find all the bugs, I can stay on 24/7 since my summer break just started, and i have a little something most people are lacking. Patience. Response: How would you make the game reach it's "full potential."? |
Response: Oh She's a Jolly good fellow that's not going to be tester, Oh she's a jolly goood fellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow that's not going to test. |
Other then find bugs I know alot of people who can icon dont know if that really matters but that can come in handy if you are busy and need extra hands, I could advertise the game so we can get more players, I can also run a FB page for it, and the most obvious I can pitch you some great ideas
Response: Elaborate on "Advertise" |
Telling People on byond about this game(Friends Included) And facebook, and advertise on other games(of course with permission of the owners)
Response: alright, was just making sure that you wouldn't go on other hubs and spam or other games and spam without permission. Well, that's good enough, I'll add you into the tester list. |
Thank You I will, Also when do we start testing?
Response: Whenever the server's up, like right now. |
Response: Wait for open testing. |
Response: One application per person, sorry. |
Response: You're creepy, be glad I'm not banning you from the game. LOL |
Wassup!I'm Gin and I'd like to help test the game not only because I could "Find bugs and uhh..." but to submit recommendations as well, now I'm not gonna try and be Mr Perfect here, I'd also play for a certain level of personal enjoyment But I think I would be worth yours, and the games time because,I can point out what could be improved upon from a community standpoint, by that I mean I could let you know things that could slightly be touched upon to help the betterment of the game, I can inform many people about this game(already have),advertise(with permission), and it doesn't hurt to have someone with a sense of humor either.
Response: Accepted because you actually sound like you're not 12 and have much more than the normal person on the post to offer. |
Response: Glad you came to your senses. |
come on lmao some people are just getting selected NOW ITS MY TURNResponse: To get rejected?