Dragon Arena

by Kevin208
It took a couple of Dragonballs to wish this back up.
Yo, How're you doing Kevin :). The name's Devaughn but on Byond I'm Koruichi. I would love to be a tester for DBZBB2 because I enjoy playing games that you make mainly because they're fun and interactive. Also, I've been playing most of your games since I was about 8 years old and I could never get enough of DBZBB. So I would love to test for DBZBB2 and hunt for bugs and glitches. I'm on byond most of the time so I'll really be Immersed.

Response: Kunta Kente owns a computer?
can i be a terster?

Response: No
hi names travis would like to test game because its a dbz game and a cool looking one at that im fed up of dbz games where i cant even throw a punch would like to see this game grow and i intend to help it do so by finding bugs and such. Hurry and open beta test if im not accepted thanks.

Response: We'll try to carry it out asap!
Can we still be tester i love this game!!

Response: Applications are open as long as it's still in closed testing.
I want to be a tester, but you want me to give you a reason why I would be a good tester, yet I really have to turn it back around to ask why would I not make a good tester?

Response: Your use of English kills my soul.
^I'm so getting accepted

Response: You predicted wrong.
i just want to play before anyone else

Response: No
I would like to help test the game. I have have plenty of time on my hands, and I have plenty of experience finding glitches and bugs in other games. I'll work hard and have fun doing it if I am chosen.

Response: Nah.
Kevin I've been playing this game since i was 9 and when it was put on hold for the couple of years i lost a part of me. I would play this game past my bed time while my parents went up to bed. I'm now 15 and just got back on byond just to see what i loved so much back then. I have lots of free time considering its summer and ill be able to help you with basically what ever you need. Ill also make sure to invite all my friends that use to play this game while we were young lol. thanks and i hope i don't seem like im begging. thanks.

Response: Sob stories won't work, Sorry.
In response to Koruichi
Ling ling stop playing w/ me

Response: Racism can get you banned, Kunta Kente.
It isn't a sob story lmao but how can i test i wont quit my determination will keep me going!

Response: glhf
In response to Koruichi
I'm a filthy african

Response: No.
In response to Koruichi
And you even knew my name prior to this tester application. >_>

Response: More like Prior of the Ice Barriers
In response to Koruichi

Response: Cory, go back to the house.
In response to Koruichi
I should be a tester as compensation for you're racist remarks.

The end.

Response: Accepted as Tester, nice English though, bud.

Response: DISNEY XD
In response to Dooney1
Dooney I love you with a passion, make love to my dong sauce you slut <3_<3

Response: Alright.
Hi, my name is Chyunman98 and I'd like to join testing because i'm super mlg cool hax pro weed no scoper 420xx illuminati.

Response: Accepted as Tester
In response to ChyunMan98
Wow I went through racism and being called kunta kente and he just gets accepted asap?

Response: Choonis
Whats glhf

Response: Good luck, Have fun.
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