Tom mentioned a wiki where a lot of the information could be stored. Although I'm not sure who's going to be making it.
Kboy33 wrote:
GatewayRa wrote: Whoops, I missed over that part. Thanks. :D |
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Tom mentioned a wiki where a lot of the information could be stored. Although I'm not sure who's going to be making it. That sounds like it could work, if not a Wiki there is also /r/dreammakers Wouldn't it be better for Tom to host it on the web server, and just hand select some of the more experienced and mature developers around here to help run it? It would be kind of nice to have everything all in one place if possible. |
LordAndrew, Kaiochao and I were going to copy the reference over to Nadrew's wiki, along with the Red Book and other various documentations on things.
I doubt they're ever going to remove anything of use to developers (libraries & tutorials). I'd assume that stuff would be hosted on BYOND until the project doesn't have the funds for hosting. Worrying about that is probably a little silly until Tom provides clarification on what the plan is, if anything is even definite right now.
When I last spoke to Tom, while he didn't specify a time, he said the current setup is going to remain as it is for a while. As for the topic itself, awesome stuff. I'll be sure to use this as a reference when need be. :) |
b-but if we had blogs backs and better mods we could have like, 40k online r-right guys?
EnigmaticGallivanter wrote:
b-but if we had blogs backs and better mods we could have like, 40k online r-right guys? This guy gets it. |
Kboy33 wrote:
We still have 4K pepople on daily, so it's all good. It's actually 4,001. I'm always AFK. |
Due to my having been inactive for the greater part of a year, I have no clue what's been going on. Can someone explain this to me? It seems like there's still forums...
Magicmann wrote:
Due to my having been inactive for the greater part of a year, I have no clue what's been going on. Can someone explain this to me? It seems like there's still forums... Yea, it hasn't actually happened. If I recall correctly, Tom made a comment at one point about potentially stripping down the forums to just the development-centric portions if BYOND had to go into a bare-minimum maintenance mode, but then people kind of freaked out and assumed he meant "right now". See his comment earlier in this thread for his clarification. I think the only real forum change since was renaming "BYOND Discussion" to "On Topic". |
What about all those tutorials and snippets? Developers put a lot of hard work into those. Finding a solution to a problem is no longer a forum search away.