I said before, I'm staying. Don't like it? Tough. This is one of the best places to get amusement.
Fugsnarf wrote:
ET, I'm downloading LoL. Going to give this genre a proper chance. Any tips? Unless you're playing with friends, immediately put your team on mute. You're going to be playing pre-30, so mostly everyone there is a casual, but they'll still rage and think they know everything if you don't win your lane or if they lose theirs. Play each role once or twice, and try to get a feel for which one you like best. Then, find out which champs are god tier in that role here. God tier/strong just refers to a champs ability to be high impact and win in most situations as well as their synergy with items and most team comps. In a nutshell, there's optimal champions, and not so optimal champions, and if you want to win, you need to be playing the optimal ones. You can win using trash-tier champions, but that usually requires you to have extensive knowledge of the champion you're playing as well as game knowledge in general, neither of which you have. Based on the current free champion rotation, I'd suggest you play Miss Fortune ( she's not technically a strong ADC right now, but her ultimate is team-fight oriented, and it'll get you ready for when you play the stronger ADCs that are team-fight oriented, which are Graves, Jinx, Sivir and Ashe ), Nautilus and Zyra ( in bottom lane support role ), Warwick ( pretty much the easiest jungler in the game, not the strongest though ), Maokai ( top lane ) and Brand in mid lane. Your first games are going to be filled with AFKs, really bad players, etc. on both your team and the enemy team. Once you get to level 30 and ranked, they become less frequent because they just upped the penalties on DCing and it's been weeding out the retards a bit better. Ask your friends if they play League, if they don't, invite them to. If they decline, use the forums - there's a section for new players looking for other new players to queue with. Watch videos and read guides. Even though on the surface it looks like professional players are just hitting minions and pressing buttons at random, everything in this game is done for a specific reason, and is calculated. There is a reason professional players farm the way they do, or push the lane aggressively, or ward in certain areas. It's a very strategic game with a lot of depth. The reason why most players are in Bronze is because they have not discovered that depth yet - they're still in the "I just need to press my buttons fast and and my skill shots, and I'll make it to Diamond rank". That's not how it works. You need knowledge of how the game works, and how to play the game as optimally as possible so you can climb the rankings. He may be a condescending metro-sexual, but Monte Cristo is a valuable resource. He's incredibly insightful and just watching some of his videos where he analyzes teams and criticizes their play can teach you a lot. Even after your first hundred games, you will still need to develop muscle memory ( especially if you've opted to play mechanically-demanding champs like Zed or Vayne ), match-ups ( a large part of League is knowing when to pick a certain champion and when not to, not just based on where they fall on the tier list but based on if the enemy team has ways to counter you or if your champ has synergy with the champs your teammates plan to play ), role knowledge ( Cranimus already pointed this out, but each champion fulfills a specific role, and if you aren't doing that role properly in every situation, you can single-handedly cause your team to lose, or single-handedly cause your team to win by doing your job extremely well ), and just a bunch of other crap. Play to win, but more importantly, play to get better. Even if you lose, try to find victory in figuring out what you did wrong so you can not repeat that mistake in the next game you play. You can download this, which will record your games and allow you to replay them. This is invaluable, as it allows you to review your own performance and determine what you need to improve on. As I said before, this is a step up from Dark Souls. These ain't no NPCs you're fighting against, these are real players, and you're going to bump into some players pre-30 or in low ELO who will whoop you worse than any boss fight you've ever faced in Dark Souls ( called "smurfs", who are essentially experienced players on a new account ). This game will get extremely hard at times, and as Illidan would say: But I just gave you some tips, so maybe you are a little bit prepared. |
Best genre in existence, amirite? Or have you already gone back to Maplestory? |
EmpirezTeam wrote:
WELL MR SNARF? he played 1 game ![]() |
EmpirezTeam wrote:
HOW DID YOU DIE 11 TIMES TO BOTS, FUGSNARF EXPLAIN YOURSELF NAO i assumed he had at least tried the game prior and would have some slight understanding, but i accidentally let him play without doing the tutorial/battle training |
You reported him for intentional feed right?
And I just realized you let him play Varus. Varus is god damn horrible for experienced players, let alone people just starting out. Not only do you need to land skill shots, you also have to have godlike positioning in team fights because of his immobility, and you also need to farm extremely well because if you fall behind in a poke lane you're pretty much done for the rest of the game. He needs to be playing Sivir. |
Varus is a god for a clutch non meta loving player.
He can go AD/AP or even hybrid. His mobility sucks, but the carry, and mage in him can make him worth it in the end if done right. If he plays Annie he'd do just fine. |
Yeah, I kind of had a bad experience. I intend to keep playing, but school got in the way and I also just bought Crypt of the NecroDancer. So yeah. The character selection went too fast for me, and, before I knew it, I was playing as someone I didn't intend to.
EmpirezTeam wrote:
That cinematic, and the "Make Love Not Warcraft" South Park episode is what got me addicted to WoW back in 06... |
Accurate solo queue experience. No one peels for ADC, the support is trying to chase down the mid and tanks can't survive 2 shots from ADCs. |
Trying to figure out why in the video Katarina is running from everyone when in-game everyone is running from Katarina.
I got out of Bronze with Jax and Annie. Jax because he's pretty much a guaranteed win if the enemies don't snowball early game, and Annie because you can literally press 1 button and do absolutely nothing else and still win the team fight.
If I had a dollar for every time I made the enemy team surrender after one well-placed Tibbers. |
Nice bluff, but Yut Put doesn't need to post on fake accounts. Yut Put isn't even that type of person that would use a fake account to post.I'm Dan, I helped found this site.